Catharina Hospital featured in television series

Catharina Hospital can be seen for eight weeks at 'Emergency Aid 24/7'
Photo credit: Studio040

The Catharina Hospital in Eindhoven can be seen in the RTL5 television programme ‘Spoedeisende Hulp 24/7’ (A&E 24/7) every Monday evening from Monday 15 April. Care providers and patients in the hospital’s emergency department were followed for three months.

In the programme, cameras follow patients with, for example, broken bones, heart problems or stab wounds. Emergency workers work day and night in the emergency room. The new series shows how they deal with this. Besides the Catherina Hospital, the Meander Medical Centre in Amersfoort and the HagaZiekenhuis in The Hague are also captured.

The series captures the passion for their work with which hospital staff care for their patients and what it takes to do their job.

Fascinating and dynamic

By participating in this programme, Catharina Ziekenhuis aims to provide a transparent picture of the day-to-day high-quality care at the hospital and show what work in an emergency department is like. “Unexpected, life-threatening things happen all the time. An accident or cardiac arrest is never in my control. But I have an influence on the outcome,” says Nathalie Ververs, one of the A&E doctors followed by the cameras.

“It’s so rewarding and beautiful. I want to show that and the dynamics of our work in A&E (emergency room). That’s how I hope to get people excited about this beautiful profession, though we can’t even show everything in eight episodes.”

Source: Studio040
Translation: Bob

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