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Coming home of MH17 victims commemorated

The ‘homecoming’ of the victims of the disaster flight was commemorated on Tuesday afternoon at the MH17 monument near Eindhoven air base. Exactly ten years ago the first forty coffins arrived there. “That day ended a lot of uncertainty”.

“We still feel the connection after ten years”, Anton Kotte, who lost his son, daughter-in-law and grandson during the disaster, says. “The overwhelming support of the Dutch population. The procession of cars on A2 and the people throwing flowers on the side. That day the Netherlands was at its best”.

A moment of silence was held at the monument after the trumpet sounds of the Last Post. The base on which the monument stands contains 298 stones. This corresponds to the number of victims who lost their lives during the disaster.


The date 23 July, 2014 is deeply etched in the memory of Anton and other relatives. “That day put an end to a lot of uncertainty. Finally our loved ones came home”, Anton says. He regularly visits the monument, which was moved to a quieter place last year. “The visits often happens spontaneously. At least once or twice a month I am here”, he says.

Deputy Mayor Rik Thijs, the Dutch Ambassador to Ukraine Jennes Mol and the Ukrainian Ambassador to the Netherlands Oleksandr Karasevych were also present at the commemoration.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

Theatre company Afslag is quitting

Location theatre company Afslag (exit) Eindhoven is quitting. The company will play its last series of performances in the autumn.

Afslag was founded in 2007 by Gerrie Fiers and Yvonne van Beukering in response to the departure of both the Academie voor Theater and Het Zuidelijk Toneel (southern drama society) from the city. Fiers announced earlier this year that he no longer wanted to be the artistic director of the company. Due to pressure on available subsidies, the decline in location theatre and divergent artistic ambitions, the pair have decided to quit the theatre company.

Location theatre

The special thing about Afslag theatre company is the location of the performances. With location performances, a performance takes place in a different place than in a theatre.

The self-chosen farewell ends with a final series of location performances: ‘Elk bos is een opstand’ (‘every forest is a revolt’), directed by Gerrie Fiers. The performance takes place in and around a tree. This can be seen from Thursday 5 September in Genneper Hoeve in Eindhoven.

For more information: Afslag Eindhoven

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

Witte Dorp thinks of Kotte family, 10 years after MH17 disaster

Oscar, Miranda and Remco Kotte, an Eindhoven family that died in the MH17 disaster ten years ago, was commemorated on Wednesday evening on Burghplein in Witte Dorp (white village).

It was supposed to be a ‘fun’ gathering around the memorial where neighbours could catch up with each other and reminisce together. That happened a lot. There was coffee, tea and and some treats.

The meeting took place on Burghplein, where a bench and play equipment have been placed as a memorial. It was opened at the time by then Mayor Rob van Gijzel. Money was raised by local residents to pay for the bench and play equipment. On Wednesday evening the bench was decorated with sunflowers and a drawing.

Close family

The commemoration was attended by Tygo Kotte, a 17-year-old cousin of the family, and Anton Kotte, Oscar’s father. The two relatives have a special bond, Tygo says. “Perhaps precisely because Remco is no longer there. I did hang out with Remco, but not very much due to a mental disorder he had”. The disaster had a huge impact on the Kotte family, Tygo also says.

“I do remember it happening. The panic and fear in the family. They are still remembered a lot. Especially on special occasions. ‘There should have been three more’, is always the feeling. The family is small but still close. And we became closer after the disaster. We see each other a lot”, Tygo says.

Tygo is goalkeeper in the youth team at Willem II in Tilburg. Grandpa always goes everywhere with him. “We talk a lot and do a lot together. Maybe because Remco is no longer there. Grandpa really listens to me. When others ask him something, he doesn’t always do it, but when I ask he does”.


‘Grandpa’ is Anton Kotte, he deals with his grief mainly by being active. He also organises the meeting on 23 July at Eindhoven Airport. The first victims returned on that date ten years ago.

“It feels very mixed. On the one hand there is the sadness, on the other hand there is the work for the foundation, the mission to continue so that Russia admits and acknowledges guilt. They never did that”, Anton says. He does it all for Oscar, Miranda and Remco. And perhaps also to sometimes bury the sadness.

“I’m ten years further but it’s over for them. All the things they could have done in their lives! And things went so well with Remco”.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob


Traditional canoe making in prehistoric village

Making a canoe from a tree trunk: thousands of years ago it must have been a regular thing for people living in the Netherlands. In 2024, it will obviously be a major challenge for volunteers and staff at the PreHistorisch Dorp (prehistoric village). The goal is to show visitors how this works.

“We always aim to show our visitors the complete process, whether from sheep to clothing or from wood to means of transport. We also want to preserve valuable knowledge about this old craft. We have therefore asked our employees and volunteers to participate, and the response was overwhelmingly positive”, museum manager Yvonne Lammers said.


The canoe is made from a fifty-year-old poplar tree that weighs about 1,000 kilos. A slot is first cut in the tree with handmade axes, after which it is further hollowed out. Ultimately, what remains is a five-metres-long vessel with a flat bottom for stability and a rounded front and back for good steering in the water. The canoe will be launched next Sunday.

For more information: PreHistorisch Dorp

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob



FC Eindhoven presents new home shirt

FC Eindhoven has presented the club’s new home shirt for the 2024/2025 season.

The shirt is characterised by the stripes that are somewhat narrower than in previous years. The Eindhoven vibes are incorporated into the blue stripes.

The home shirt is the first jersey that FC Eindhoven has announced, but it is not yet known what the away shirt will look like in the new season.

FC Eindhoven starts the competition on Friday, 9 August in a home match against FC Den Bosch. The preparation includes a Lichtstad (city of light) derby against PSV.

That match will be played on Wednesday at 20:00 in the Philips Stadion (stadium).

For more information: Home – FC Eindhoven (fc-eindhoven.nl)

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

PSV announces shirt numbers for 2024/25 season


The Eindhoven club has already done much work with two incoming transfers (Driouech and Flamingo). However, the scope for improvement in the defence area is visible, as revealed by the numbers on Monday. The shirt numbers of the outgoing players, Shurandy Sambo and André Ramalho are still available.

It is noticeable that shirt number 2 and shirt number 5 are not filled in. Last season Sambo and Ramalho had those numbers, but the duo has now closed the door behind them in Eindhoven. New name Ryan Flamingo takes over the shirt number from Armel Bella-Kotchap.

Noa Lang plays with his beloved number 10, as was previously announced. He will switch with Malik Tillman; the American will play the 2024/25 season with number 7. The highest number is reserved for Richard Ledezma, the American will play with the number 37.

Incidentally, this is not the final list. One more transfer is expected in the back line. In addition, it is not excluded that more players will leave.

A complete list of the squad numbers can be found on their website.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha

Liberation parade to be revamped

JeAssociations marching along, veterans and army vehicles and dignitaries giving speeches. Such has been the format of the liberation parade in Eindhoven for about 40 years. Stichting 18 September thinks it is time to do things differently, which is why the parade will look different for the first time this year.

From 2024, the parade will change its format. It should be a commemoration but also a celebration of freedom, involving a larger number of Eindhoven residents. To this end, Stichting 18 September will enter into a conclave with other organisations in the city, including Studio040.

The liberation fire that is traditionally collected in Bayeux, France, will not only go to the Stadhuisplein, but will  also be carried to the six Eindhoven districts. The fire will be lit in the districts at the same time as in the centre. In addition, accessible events must be set up in those districts.

Great hero

“The fire is the common thread,” says Hans van der Pluim of Stichting 18 September. “Many people do not know that Eindhoven was the first major city in the Netherlands to be liberated. The fire that is brought here from Bayeux is the same that is later lit in Wageningen and also ends up in Amsterdam. More attention should be paid to this, the fire should become the great hero of the parade.”

The commemoration and celebration should then create more solidarity in the neighbourhoods. “People should eat and drink together, sing the national anthem together and watch the performances, so that people can unite” says Van der Pluim. “And we want to achieve that by having about 250 people per neighbourhood sharing a meal”


“With the 80th anniversary of liberation, the time has come to update the event,” Van der Pluim explains. “The link must be made to the present and to the future, it must be inclusive and diverse.”


Freedom is a great asset, but it must have a clear meaning, he says. “We don’t get freedom for nothing. There are now a lot of people in the neighbourhoods who don’t see much of the success of Brainport but who do see their environment change as part of it, who see their neighbourhood becoming rougher or even deteriorating. If you bring people together, get them to talk to each other, they can also turn to each other for help.”

The parade is not supposed to be this big every year. “We want to go all out every five years. The years in between we keep it a bit smaller. We want it to come alive that way,” says Van der Pluim.

Freedom vibes

The municipality of Eindhoven recently approved the plans. The organisation will receive 443,000 euros to spend on this, although the foundation that will organise the liberation parade is still in the process of being established. “We have the board members for this and we are drawing up a statute. A few practical matters still need to be arranged, but I expect these  to be completed next week,” says Van der Pluim.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

735 student residences on TU/e ​​campus available in August

The two residential towers and the associated low-rise buildings on the TU/e ​​campus will be completed in August. The homes will offer space for around 800 students.

The homes were developed by construction company Heijmans and Vestide, the student housing provider of Woonbedrijf. It concerns two towers that are being delivered, namely Castor, with 278 homes and Pollux with 371 homes. The towers are both around 50 meters high and have 16 floors. In addition, there is a so-called student village with two floors that is being opened with 86 homes.

The homes will accommodate both TU/e ​​students and students from Fontys and Summa who also study on campus. With the opening of the residential towers, the total number of student homes on the TU/e ​​campus will be 1468.

“The commissioning of this residential complex is of great importance to the Brainport region,” says TU/e ​​vice-president Patrick Groothuis. “This significantly expands the supply of pleasant and affordable places to live, and that attracts students who are so badly needed to our region. As a university, we are not allowed to invest in student housing ourselves, but via the Student Housing Covenant we work intensively with partners to make developments possible.”

500 new homes

If it is up to Groothuis, these will not be the last student housing units to be built in Eindhoven. “We trust that we will be able to build 500 new homes per year in the coming years with the municipality and other partners. These are necessary to accommodate the talent that the region needs. It is a strict prerequisite for success. The Beethoven resources for infrastructure also play an important role in this,” according to the vice-chairman.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

‘Need for at least two more cricket fields in the city’

Interest in cricket is increasing rapidly in Eindhoven. There are currently around 700 active cricketers, and this number is expected to rise to 2,000 in the coming years. This requires additional facilities, because some cricket clubs are already having a membership freeze.

At Eindhoven Cricket Club they emphasise the urgent need for additional facilities: “At least two extra fields are needed and possibly even four in the future”, chairman Ravi Patel says. “We now have a membership freeze and apply the principle of first come, first served”.

The cricket season runs from April to sometime in September. Eindhoven Cricket Club is therefore also asking for indoor facilities, so that games can continue during the winter months. “With the expansion of ASML, even more cricket fans will probably come this way. We hope that the municipality will pay attention to the sport and help us with new facilities”.

CDA (Christian democrats) Eindhoven has asked the city government to investigate whether more cricket fields can be added. The party is asking for the vacant land next to FC Eindhoven AV to be converted into a field that can be used by both football and cricket clubs. Such a field was recently constructed at Nieuw Woensel football club.

In addition, CDA wants to investigate whether the use of sports fields and facilities such as canteens and changing rooms, owned by FC Eindhoven AV and Oranje Rood (orange red), can also be available for cricket.

For more information : Eindhoven Cricket Club – Home (eindhovencc.com)

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

The final Vierdaagse for Anton (71): ‘After 50 times it’s done’

Anton Engelmann (71) from Eindhoven is walking his fiftieth Nijmegen Vierdaagse (Nijmegen four day march) this year. “I just find it nice and relaxing to clear ‘my head’”. At his age, thirty kilometres a day is considered  enough, but he still wants to make it fifty kilometres a day. But: it will be the last time he participates.

He will soon have walked a total of 10,000 kilometres in the Nijmegen Vierdaagse. That’s approximately from here to Thailand. “Fifty times is of course a milestone. This time I dedicate my walk to a good friend from the past. He was my sponsor and masseur. He is deceased. I already decided then that I would walk the fiftieth for him”.

Anton enjoys walking. He once started at a walking club in Eindhoven. “But then you only walk fifteen kilometres. That’s too little for me.
When I was eighteen, I started walking with someone I knew from the walking club in Nijmegen”.

Prenuptial agreement

At home, Anton has a board with all the medals he has received after each Nijmegen Vierdaagse. He will have been married for 49 years in September. It was a ‘marital condition’ that Anton could continue to participate in this Vierdaagse. “The carnival and the Vierdaagse. My wife had to stay away from that. I said early on that the fiftieth time was a must. With a smile of course, but she went along with it”.

Anyone who walks with him for a while does not expect to deal with someone in their seventies. The pace is high. He still covers fifty kilometres a day for four days in a row. “That must be in your system. I always walk very easily and happily”.

But if you talk to him for a while, you discover that is he is handling aches and pains because he has been in constant pain for the last ten years. “An operation did not go well and I am left with a pinched nerve in my back”.

Trouble with his body

This is the last time he will walk the Vierdaagse. “My body has suffered so much in recent years that I no longer feel comfortable preparing for it for months”.

Because good preparation is the best tip he can give. And above all, get a lot of kilometres under your belt. He already walked four hundred kilometres in preparation. “There are always people who drop out. They drop out because they wear the wrong footwear or socks but it is mainly due to lack of training”.

Explaining what makes the Vierdaagse so beautiful is not difficult for Anton. “You meet a lot of people. There I met English and German people with whom I still keep in touch. If you walk for an hour, you will find people who walk your pace. A chat here, a chat there. The atmosphere in Nijmegen is indescribable, it’s so wonderful”.

On the board with awards, there is room for the very last one in addition to the ’49’. After this year it’s really over. “It won’t be very easy. It will work, but then I’ll be done. Then I have achieved my goals. Then I’m satisfied”.

“I’m going to fall into a big black hole, but physically speaking I should have stopped two or three years ago. I will keep walking for stretches, but when I say a stretch I mean an hour to an hour and a half’s walk. Those are stretches for me”.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob



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