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Departure of Design Academy increasingly likely

It is becoming increasingly likely that Design Academy will leave Eindhoven. The world-famous design school may move to Roermond.

There would currently be no place for Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE) in Eindhoven and the municipality does not seem to be interested in a major investment.

At the beginning of April, the Municipality of Eindhoven announced that it wanted to fund a move of the course to Microlab. But as it looks now, Microlab at Strijp-S is not as attractive as expected. The amount that the municipality wanted to invest in the move: €4.000,000, would be far too little. Microlab is also said to be in poor condition and does not meet DAE’s wishes. Sources in and around Design Academy tell Studio040 this.

In addition, there is the problem of student housing. It would be a thorn in the side of the academy that design students are often homeless at the start of their studies. While TU/e ​​received some help in that context, for example with housing at the former Philips headquarters and the construction of two residential towers on its campus, DAE saw such support lagging behind and that would sting.

Two and a half years

Design Academy Eindhoven and the municipality seem to have different ideas about the efforts required for a longer stay of the prestigious design school in the city. Moreover, that problem has been in the air for about two and a half years: that is how long the municipality and academy have been discussing a new location for the training. There are serious concerns from and around the academy about a possible move to Roermond.


Design breeding ground Residency for the People is organising a benefit evening on Friday evening in an attempt to raise money to keep the DAE in Eindhoven for longer. Lucas Maassen organises the evening. In addition to being the operator of the creative breeding ground, he also teaches at DAE.

End of design city

“DAE does not give much publicity to the developments”, Maassen says. “But the municipality will not give the academy a different location than it currently has. It is close to my heart, because I come from Eindhoven myself, I am a designer, and I think that the entire design ecosystem in the city will be at risk when Design Academy leaves”.

“The Dutch Design Week largely revolves around the graduation projects of DAE students. This guarantees the quality of that week. It is also the only non-commercial design event worldwide, which makes it unique. I don’t think it can take place in Eindhoven if Design Academy is no longer located in Eindhoven”.


“The search for accommodation has been going on for two and a half years and Design Academy has not been able to reach an agreement with the municipality for a long time”,  well-known designer Kiki van Eijk, also a teacher at the academy, says. “A decision must be made before the summer and from what I hear, the parties are not yet getting closer. I think they are really seriously considering moving to Roermond”.


And that is an incomprehensible situation, Van Eijk thinks. “The lease in Witte Dame ends next year. In addition, €4.000,000 was far too little to move into Microlab, the renovation that that building needed turned out to be much larger – there turned out to be too many snags”.

Eindhoven’s top designer Piet Hein Eek, who studied at Design Academy, was recently forced to write a letter explaining the state of affairs to important parties in the city. Eek, who has his workshop and shop in Eindhoven, does not see the move happening so quickly.


“It makes much more sense to sit down together. I don’t think the negotiations have been conducted by the right people in recent years. The importance of the academy has not been sufficiently recognised and there has been insufficient ability to get closer to each other, on both sides of the table”, Eek says.

“But I do think that it has now been realised that Design Academy and Eindhoven are extremely important to each other. To illustrate: I have many DAE students working for me. DAE is the linchpin in the city’s design ecosystem,” Eek says.

DAE response

Design Academy informs Studio040 that a decision will be made before the summer, and that a longer stay in Eindhoven seems far away at the moment. There is no mention of a move to Roermond. “Although it is our absolute preference to stay in Eindhoven, there are no feasible options on the table at the moment”.

“Our constructive conversation with the Municipality of Eindhoven, which started more than two years ago, continues and we strongly hope that this will lead to a positive solution in the coming weeks. As a precaution, alternatives are being investigated elsewhere to prevent DAE from being left without housing”, a spokesperson for DAE said.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

Eindhoven presents new plans for Wilhelminaplein

On Wednesday evening the municipality presented a detailed design of the square to residents around Wilhelminaplein. Wilhelminaplein must become greener, with less car traffic and more bicycle parking spaces.

The makeover is part of the plan to make the entire city centre more attractive. “The redesign of Wilhelminaplein turns the square into a pleasant, green destination in the city,” can be read on the municipality’s website. “Local residents and visitors can sit outside, somewhere on the square or on one of the cosy terraces, or visit an event.”


The municipality has asked residents to get involved with the project design. Local residents voiced their concerns and criticism; one thought that the square would become more of a park with all those trees, while another was afraid that the new design would no longer accommodate the carnival tent or large-scale events.

According to the municipality, all this has been taken into account in the detailed plan. There remains plenty of space for events. Furthermore, traffic on the square is limited to local traffic. Parking on the square is only allowed for permit holders. The road between Heilige Geeststraat and Prins Hendrikstraat will be closed to make it safer and more pleasant to sit on the terrace. Furthermore, the number of places where visitors can park their bicycles will be significantly expanded.

Much needed shade

Or will the square turn into a park? The municipality says no. However, there will be much-needed shade on the traditionally sweltering square. “Permanent green areas with trees in the open ground provide a nice place to stay on hot days. They also limit the risk of flooding due to extreme peak rainfall.”

According to the municipality, the single-storey design of the square accentuates the ‘beautiful historic facades that frame the square’. The artwork ‘Caged Freedom’ will also be given a place on the square where it should be shown off to its best advantage. It will become clear in the near future whether the criticism has died down and the concerns of those involved have been addressed.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

GLOW light festival puts spotlight on visitors

For the 24th edition of GLOW, the organisation is collecting personal stories and memories from visitors and companies. The exciting, beautiful and moving stories will be highlighted during the festival that runs from November 9 to 16.

For this edition of GLOW, the organisation collects prior personal stories from people. The stories are about how the light event connects people, by capturing personal anecdotes and memories. GLOW wants to collect these personal stories and highlight them during the festival.

“GLOW is more than just a visual light festival; it is an experience that brings people together, inspires and moves them,” said Ronald Ramakers, director of GLOW. “We realise that GLOW has a special meaning for many. Something we want to make tangible this edition.”

Glow On Air

In addition to the light artworks, there is the opportunity to hear the stories. In cooperation with Studio040, ‘GLOW On Air’ will be created during the event. There will be a mobile studio on the Markt with live coverage of the event. Here the submitted stories and memories, the special experiences, encounters and moments that people have experienced over the years during the light festival will take centre stage.

Those wishing to share their stories can email  – info@gloweindhoven.nl.

Source: Studio040.nl

Translated by: Anitha Sevugan

Prinjesdag and the key points of the annual budget

The glass coach tour, throne speech, ceremonial dress code which includes hats and the suitcase! It is the third Tuesday of September and therefore ‘Prinsjesdag’. The budget (Million note) was presented by the finance minister and these are the  key points.

” This Million Note is not about ourselves”, Minister Heinen began in the House of Representatives. “It’s about all ordinary Dutch people. People who have a job or business, people who do want to participate, but who are in a trend. People who deserve a good old age and young people to whom we want to pass on this beautiful country.”

The plans of the Schoof cabinet at a glance

Not all plans that have come out are new. Much had already been leaked or was already in the broad-line agreement or government program. These are some important themes:

  • Migration: 95 million euros will be allocated for what the government calls the “strictest asylum regime ever”.
  • Agriculture: It is an important theme for this government, but there are no major expenses for next year. From 2026, 1 billion euros will go to the agricultural sector for five years.
  • Care: The healthcare premium will increase to 156 euros per year in 2025. The deductible will remain 385 euros next year, but from 2027 it is intended to be reduced to 165 euros. 162 million euros will also be available for AI in healthcare next year.
  • Housing: The government will invest 5 billion euros annually in housing in the coming years, so that 100,000 homes should be added every year. 500 million will also be allocated to simplify the housing allowance.
  • Infrastructure: Train tickets will be 6 percent more expensive instead of 12 percent. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management assumes half of the price increase, NS the other half.
  • Energy: Over the next two years, 60 million euros will be raised annually to help vulnerable households with their energy bills. The energy tax on gas is also going down.
  • Tax: An additional tranche in income tax yields both households with a small wallet and higher incomes.
  • Education: The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science cuts 260 million on subsidies. The free school meals will not be canceled anyway.
  • Justice: There will be an extra 120 million euros in the fight against crime gangs. The police will also receive a structural increase of 180 million euros.
  • Defense: More money goes to the Ministry of Defense’s budget. That money goes, among other things, to the modernisation and renewal of equipment and to additional recruitment staff.

Partial reversal of 30% scheme austerity and increase in standard salary

The explanatory memorandum to the Tax Plan 2025 bill stipulates that the austerity of the 30% scheme from the Tax Plan 2024 (’30-20-10-scheme’) will be largely reversed and the maximum tax-free reimbursement will be set at a constant flat rate of 27% as of 1 January 2027. In the years 2025 and 2026, 30% exemption will apply to all incoming employees. Furthermore, the salary standard will be increased from €46,107 to €50,436 (2024 prices) and the salary standard for incoming employees under 30 with a master’s degree will be increased from €35,048 to €38,338 (2024 prices). For incoming employees who applied for the 30% scheme before 2024, respectful transitional law will apply which is 30% percent and the old (indexed) salary standards will continue to apply to them until the end of the term. In doing so, the government also wishes to comply with the Geerdink-
Moonen motion7, which calls on the government to come up with a proposal for the simplification of the 30% scheme that is less is harmful to the economy.

Cabinet proposal for income tax rates

Income tax from substantial holdings remains at 24.5 % until 67,804 Euros and after that becomes 31% as opposed to the current slab of 33%.

Changes in income tax for entrepreneurs

People who work as freelancers, or SMEs with a sole proprietorship or vof (partnership), will pay slightly more tax on average from 2025 if they make the same amount of profit. From 2025, entrepreneurs up to an income of €29,100 do not pay income tax (this is up to €30,700 in 2024).

Increase in rates for VAT or BTW

For culture, art, books and sports, the government wants to change the VAT rate from the reduced rate (9%) to the general rate (21%). New VAT rate for culture, art, books and sports applies from 1 January 2026. Thus, museum visits, cultural performances, books and sporting facilities are going to cost more. Overnight hotel stays are also included in this same tax bracket. However, the gambling tax will see changes in 2025. It will increase from 30.5% to 34.2% in 2025 and in 2026 to 37.8%

Road tax

The government proposes to give emission-free passenger cars a discount on the mrb (road tax) until 2029. The discount applies to new and used emission-free cars. From 2030, this discount will expire.

House Transfer tax

The government wants to reduce the transfer tax rate specifically for homes from 10.4% to 8%. That rate only applies if you buy a home that you are not going to live in yourself, such as a 2nd home or a holiday home to rent out.

For Eindhoven News: Beena Arunraj



PSV championship party costs almost €500,000

The championship celebration and PSV celebration in the city centre of Eindhoven cost a total of €460,000. The municipality covers more than half of these costs.

The municipality contributes more than €275,000. The rest of the costs are for catering entrepreneurs and PSV.

Safety measures and stage

The money went towards safety measures, the costs of the tour with the flat cart through the city centre and the ceremony on Stadhuisplein. For example, on Sunday and Monday a stage had to be built and decorated and various artists performed, such as singer Guus Meeuwis. Large screens were also placed in various squares.

“The PSV championship party is for everyone in the city and for everyone who loves PSV. The municipality and PSV offer this together”, the Mayor and Aldermen wrote in a response.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

Veldhoven neighbours win €1.000.000 together

Celebration in Copernicushof in Veldhoven. Residents of that street have together won €1.000,000 in the Postcode Loterij (postal code lottery). “Now we can go on a wonderful holiday to Mallorca with the children. And buy a new car!”, winners Gidi and Carolien say.

The money is divided among the five participants on the street. They receive amounts between €100,000 and €300,000, depending on the number of lottery tickets they play. In the case of Tiny and Mary, this means that they can credit €200,000 to their bank account. “We are moving soon. A lot still needs to be done in the new house. With this fantastic amount we will purchase a new bathroom, carpeting and a new cupboard”.

Neighbours Suzanne and Niels also already know what they are going to do with their money. “We have been renovating for 2.5 years. Fortunately, we are almost done. There are still a few small things that need to be done, such as renovating the stairs and new window coverings. We can achieve that nicely with this amount. It really is the icing on the cake!”

Not the first time

It is the second time in a few months that a Postcode Loterij win lands in Veldhoven. In October, residents of De Huysacker could share €1.000,000.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

High Tech Campus to accommodate 18,000 employees in the future

Known as the smartest square kilometre in Europe, High Tech Campus (HTC), Eindhoven wants to grow to 18,000 employees in 10 years. HTC draws attention as a place where smart minds think together about the solutions of tomorrow. The business park is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year and wants to benefit from the international ASML effect.

“We create the future. Today, we think about what might be in your body, in your home, in your office and in your environment in the coming years. New products are developed and made here. Eighty to ninety per cent have professional education or a master degree here”, says Hilde de Vocht, of High Tech Campus.

“The campus was a gift from Philips to Eindhoven”. From 1964, it was the place to think about and develop Philips products. 25 years ago, the Eindhoven electronics company decided to open its doors to other companies. “That also had to do with the relocation of the head office to Amsterdam. That was a sensitive issue in the Eindhoven region”, Hilde says.

“Philips then set aside around €400,000,000 for the site’s development”. This allowed buildings and parking garages to be built, as well as the central building De Strip with various restaurants and shops. “To this day, it has proven to be a very successful concept”.


High Tech Campus Eindhoven is convinced of its own success. According to De Vocht, the campus is on par with the well-known Silicon Valley in San Francisco: the American region where the innovative technology companies are located. “We are on par with San Francisco, but with our own course. It is much more competitive there, but we do it our own way. With the Brabant mentality and conviviality”.

The start-up companies are financed by Philips, ASML and TNO, for example. “Everyone sees the need for us to have many more tech giants here besides ASML. You don’t want to depend on one company”.


The feeling that the three hundred companies on the High Tech Campus are ‘doing it together’ is strong. A chat in the fitness room on the premises can easily lead to fruitful contact to further grow the company.

“We do not have an atmosphere of competition, but of cooperation. Fifteen years ago, it was unthinkable that you would all do events together. For example, during the ‘High Tech Next’ event, everyone shows their innovation. Everyone does this together, side by side, to create something beautiful together”.


The campus has a hundred different nationalities. The enormous site currently has 300,000 square metres in use. There is room for even more buildings: another 100,000 square metres can be added, which is also the intention. This will increase the number of people. The campus currently has 12,500 people. “We want to grow to 18,000 employees within ten years”.

More than a hundred living spaces must be created for employees who are staying here temporarily. The apartments will be on or near the campus. The campus must also become more open to the general public.

The gates are currently still locked in the evenings and at weekends. With longer opening hours for restaurants, events, a cinema and perhaps even concerts, the smartest square kilometre in Europe should also become more lively in the evenings.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob




Entrepreneur and rally driver Jan de Rooy passed away

Jan de Rooy has passed away. The former rally driver, winner of the Dakar Rally and transport entrepreneur, died on Tuesday at the age of 80.

“After a very short illness, our dad, husband and grandfather passed away peacefully and was reunited with our great love, Annie. He has dedicated 65 years to his transport company De Rooy, which celebrated its centenary last year”, the family business said in a response.

The Eindhoven region has lost one of its most notable transport entrepreneurs. Jan de Rooy was born in Eindhoven on 19 February, 1943. His father Graad had been running the transport company for years, which Jan, then 22 years old, took over in 1965. He had fourteen trucks at the time, which eventually became four hundred. His brother Harry also entered the transport world and started De Rooy Logistics, which still transports parts for the DAF factories.


That is also where most people know Jan de Rooy from: racing DAFs. He started rallycrossing in 1969, not in trucks, but cars. De Rooy managed to win several Dutch titles and international podium places, especially in his DAF 55, until he switched to trucks in 1982 at the request of DAF itself.

The manufacturer wanted Jan to participate in Paris-Dakar, a desert race across Africa to the Senegalese capital Dakar. There he quickly got the nickname ‘De Beer’ (‘the bear’) and that did not only refer to his large stature. Fearless and extremely agile, he drove his converted trucks faster and faster through the desert.

Rally winning trucks

De Rooy built special trucks for the desert rally. For example, he turned two trucks into one, but with two engines and two cabins: the double header in 1984. Things really got serious after the introduction of the DAF Turbo Twin ll in 1986, a truck with two engines that together delivered more than a thousand horsepower.

In 1987 he became winner of the truck classification. His lead over the number two in that class was no less than fourteen hours. De Rooy even finished eleventh in the general classification, among the rally cars. That left him wanting more, because the driver from Son wanted to compete with the rally cars.

Dramatic accident

Jan de Rooy was given a completely free hand by DAF in 1988 to win the general classification. The result was the 1200 hp (horse power) X1. The images in which the DAF truck overtakes the car of top driver Ari Vatanen are iconic. De Rooy also deployed a second truck, but it overturned. The accident claimed the life of Kees van Loevezijn and driver Theo van de Rijt was injured. DAF withdrew from the rally and Jan de Rooy would not appear again in Paris-Dakar for years.

His son Gerard managed to persuade him to participate again from 2002, but in 2009 Jan de Rooy finally stopped participating in the ‘Dakar’. He felt that he could not tolerate his employees to have such an expensive hobby during the economic crisis. Moreover, he did not agree with the rally being moved from Africa to South America.


Son Gerard and daughter Anneke de Rooy have been at the helm of the transport company since 2010. Something their father Jan was very proud of. There was also follow-up as a victor in the Dakar Rally. First in 2007 when cousin Hans Stacey won the truck rally. In 2012, son Gerard finally managed to win. That was particularly emotional for father Jan, 25 years after his own victory. In 2016, his son won a second Dakar title in the trucks.

Jan de Rooy no longer followed the Dakar Rally in recent years. He lived a relatively secluded life in Middelbeers with his partner.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

Construction work on Victoria Park finally starts

After the construction holidays, construction of the Victoria park in the centre of Eindhoven will start. On the approximately 13,000 square metres of land area of ​​the so-called Emmasingelkwadrant (Emmasingel quadrant) – between the greenery and some two hundred trees – more than 1,500 homes will be built.

The artwork ‘Gateway to the Future’, a tribute to Gerard Philips that was unveiled last year, will also be placed in the park. The statue is currently located in the Gloeilampplantsoen on Strijp-T. According to alderman Rik Thijs of the municipality of Eindhoven, one of the founders of Philips will soon be looking to the future (Strijp-S), with the place where it all started behind him.

During a walk across the currently vacant lot, Stijn Steenbakkers, the second alderman involved in Victoria park, acknowledges that the patience of local residents has been put to the test. Around 2006, new residents moved to this part of the city with the idea that the park would be renovated in the foreseeable future. “It took about twenty years, but now it’s finally going to happen. Some people moved here specifically because a beautiful park with lots of greenery would be built here. But nobody expected it to take this long.”


The Victoria park should be the beating heart of the Emmasingel quadrant from the summer of 2025. This area – at the back of the library – is located between the Willemstraat, the Mathildelaan, the Vonderweg and the Emmasingel. The Lichtplein, which is already used for events, will be made greener and will soon be a lot more attractive for residents, shoppers, tourists and the entrepreneurs who are located on the edge of the park.

After the summer, the construction of 250 homes will start at the Temporary Art Centre (TAC) on the Vonderweg. For a long time, it was uncertain – due to finances – whether this project could continue, but with additional subsidy from the government (1.6 million euros), the construction is now definitive. In addition to realising homes, the studio spaces in TAC are also being renovated.

Victoria Tower

Together with the Victoria tower (start: spring 2025), the Vonderparkkwartier of Bree (start: mid-2025 at the earliest) and the redevelopment of the old head office of Woonbedrijf (mid-2025 at the earliest) there will be more than fifteen hundred new homes. In various price ranges. “We deliberately separated the construction of the Victoria tower and the construction of the park,” says Steenbakkers.

He refers to the earlier deal with the developer that he would not only build the tower, but also construct the park. “We have – with new insights – disconnected that. The agreement is that the developer pays 2.5 million to the municipality and can earn this amount back if he starts building the Victoria tower before a certain time. And as a municipality we are responsible for the design of the public area and the phased construction of the park.”

The Gender

According to Thijs, the greatest feat is bringing the Gender back above ground. This river now flows into the city through sewer pipes of one and a half metres in diameter. The municipality wants to make the Gender visible again in the Victoria park and on the Stationsweg. Thijs: “This is good for the city residents, who already have too little green, for the animals and biodiversity. And the new Gender also buffers the rainwater that sometimes falls in abundance. Furthermore, this can also be a measure against drought.”


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

Protests in India also concern Eindhoven Indians

Last week, millions of people took to the streets in India to protest against a 31-year-old female doctor who was raped and murdered during her night shift at a hospital in Kolkata. Indians from Eindhoven also showed their support and organised a protest on 18 Septemberplein last week.

Shubhabrata Roy, Amit Ray and Debayani Das all live and work in Eindhoven and were part of the protest, in which around a hundred people participated.

They all come from the Indian province of West Bengal, of which Kolkata is the capital. The three of them know each other from the expat group Bonghoven, a group consisting of Bengalis that organises cultural events for that community, among other things.


“Violence against women has been a topic of conversation in India for a long time”, Debayani says. “Women are often threatened and attacked on the street. It is dangerous for women to travel on public transport. In fact, as a woman in India, you should be in fear often unless you are in your own home”.

Debayani’s words are underlined by the numbers: tens of thousands of women are raped or murdered in India every year. Yet most cases are not met with mass protests far beyond India. In addition to Eindhoven, protests were organised in England, for example.

A sensitive chord

“This case strikes a sensitive chord for several reasons”, Amit says. “In rape cases, the media often shifts the blame to the victim: she wore ‘provocative’ clothing, she was alone outside at night, those kinds of arguments. In this case, it was a doctor who was raped and murdered at work in her workplace. As a result, no one can hide behind these kinds of fallacies”.

In addition, how the Indian government handled the case also led to anger. “Instead of solving the case, the local authorities tried to cover it up”, Amit says. “In addition, Kolkatta is known as one of the safer big cities in India”, Dabayani adds. “That makes this story extra painful because it shows: in India, you are often vulnerable as a woman”.

In order to support the women in India, a protest was also organised in Eindhoven. “In the Netherlands, compared to England, we see little media attention for this subject. By organising this protest, we want to show our support to our compatriots at home. Still, we also want to put pressure on the Indian government from the Netherlands”, Shubhabrata Roy says.


“We have seen the influence of the Black Lives Matter movement. We see that protesting is useful. In Eindhoven, we received a lot of support from passers-by. A Chinese woman burst into tears when she heard the stories from India”.

This is not the last protest in Eindhoven, Shubhabrata expects. “We want to continue with this; we want to continue to draw attention to the subject. A protest is being organised in Amsterdam on Tuesday because a suspect in the case will appear in court on Tuesday. That is why mass protests are also being organised in India”.

“We want to use this case to change the situation in India; we want that as Indians, as Bengalis and as people”, Debayani concludes.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob


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