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Weekendtips from Yvette


It’s the weekend in Eindhoven but where do you need to go? A great weekend to be in Eindhoven if you love music! You can go to the Cruydenhuisch, the Wasven, The Bar at Fifth NRE or Stadstuin De Zomeroase for some great music. Read more on Eindhoven News.

Friday: Where are we now

Check here for more event details.

Saturday: The Global Online Quiz #07

Check here for more event details.

Sunday: Heritage Day at DOMUS DELA

Check here for more event details.

Whole weekend: Vagabond Open-Air Cinema

Check here for more event details.

About Yvette:
“I’m the manager of the biggest expat Facebook group in Eindhoven – Expats in Eindhoven. A group dedicated to help expats have a great time in Eindhoven, get to meet new people and answer their questions. Further I work as graphic designer for my own company STUDIO YDID. In my free time I like to go running, race cycling, go out with friends and family or listen to the band Queen. If you want to know more – feel free to mail me at info@studio-ydid.nl.”

Region represented at Graduation Show


There are more than 30 different nationalities among the 181 graduates at the Design Academy’s Graduation Show 2019. Among all these graduation projects is one that deals with the city of Eindhoven – Sense of Place, by Bloeme Groenewold.

Bloeme has divided Eindhoven up based on emotions. She asked 150 people from Eindhoven how they feel about certain places in the city. Stadhuisplein, for example, is a bit of a sad place. But at the same time, it gives a feeling of freedom. This is because of the skaters who skate there every day.

In Woensel, there is a feeling of belonging, thanks to the people from a wide range of cultures that live in the area. At the same time, those people sometimes miss the customs of their homeland. Each area in Eindhoven has its own feeling, and Bloeme has mapped this out using colourful objects.


During Dutch Design Week (DDW), the Design Academy’s Bachelors and Masters students present their graduation productions. This takes place during the Graduation Show. According to graduate, Anne Kamps, the students work towards this event throughout their studies.

“It is very intense,” she says. “You get up in the morning and certainly do not feel completely rested”. However, she enjoys it enormously. The visitors are involved and ask a lot of questions. They sometimes even have a viewpoint of her work she had not even thought of yet.

Six-winged chicken, rotating pig, and meatless milking goat

Eindhoven Design Academy, Duthc Design Week, Graduation Show
Anne Kamps’ project. Photo credit: Studio040

Anne’s graduation project is in response to news about a six-winged chicken. The fast-food chain, KFC, is said to have developed a six-winged chicken. This is so they can get more wings from fewer chickens.

Many readers believe the news; among them, Anne. She wonders what kind of fantasy creatures can be imagined and what kind of fabulous animals actually exist.

The result is a book with a rotating pig ‘of which you can cut slices off more easily’. The meatless milking goat has also been given a place in her work. “I do not have a very strong opinion about my subject at all. I eat meat myself. Not so often, but sometimes I do. It is more about making visitors think about the meat industry. As consumers, they have the power to make their own choices. Sometimes they do not realise that”.

Not only abstract ideas

Many of the projects exhibited at the Graduation Show are abstract. They zoom in on society and make visitors think about social themes. But self-proclaimed ‘very down-to-earth’ graduate Malou Kremers thinks differently.

She made a sleeper-chair. This is a sofa bed which can fold into a chair. In no time at all, you can have a bed or an armchair in your living room. Practical, with no deeper meaning – just a handy, stylish piece of furniture.

The graduates’ works all vary. However, according to Marc Ruis of the Design Academy, there is indeed a connection in the exhibited work. Students are increasingly concerned about the future.

Nature and the environment, for example, are recurring topics. One graduate made new products out of flower waste. Another used human stools as manure. All 181 graduation projects can be seen during DDW in the old Campina factory on Kanaaldijk-Zuid in Eindhoven.

Source: Studio040

Translator: Bob

Editor: Melinda Walraven


Heavy rain did not affect special Lichtjesroute evening


Saturday evening, heavy rain continued to fall? This wet weather did not interfere with the annual “Lichtjesroute” cycling tour.

Bands and orchestras along the route kept playing. Free coffee and tea, as well as the light-displays and buckets of fun compensated for a very wet experience.

“The Lichtjesroute is best taken cycling,” according to Ivo Baijens of the organization: “Cycle and you see more!”

But more important, according to this member of the organization: one needs to cycle the route with a group. “In the end, this is all about solidarity. Nobody takes the Lichtjesroute alone. People always go with friends or family”.

For many people in Eindhoven, cycling or driving the Lichtjesroute is an annual tradition. It is part of the period related to commemorating Eindhoven’s liberation when after 18 September, lights light up like a ribbon through this city.

“We had already agreed with friends a few weeks ago to drive the route,” says one of the participants, “but of course, we didn’t know at the time, it would rain so hard.” To immediately add: “Well, we dressed for the weather and went anyway.”

Interested in cycling this route with a group of friends? The lights along the Lichtjesroute will remain on, till 14th of October 2018.

Even better: the weather forecast looks promising. Wednesday and Thursday are predicted to be excellent: no rain and hardly any wind. So if you missed Saturday’s special evening, how about organizing an evening cycling tour with friends, along Eindhoven’s Lichtjesroute?

The 2018-route can be downloaded for free through the organization’s website. The organization points out, some displays will only light up after 20:00. Saturday 22nd of September was a special evening; no music, free tea or coffee during other evenings.

Source: Studio 040

Lichtjesroute home page for more information

Translator: Kate

Burglary in jewelry studio of Geertje and Roos: ‘We lost everything’

Twin sisters Geertje and Roos Eek (24) are baffled after the burglary of their jewelry studio at Strijp-R on Monday night. Two burglars took the jewelry and all the stock. “They only get a few tens for it, but for us it is worth much more”, Geertje Eek tells sadly.

Geertje and Roos started their sustainable jewelry line four years ago under the name Tweek. They make the jewelry in collaboration with several high-tech factories with the goal of minimising material loss.

The building had been broken into shortly before the burglary, but nothing was taken then. Geertje: “At the time, we thought it was just vandalism”. The perpetrators taped off the sensor so the alarm would not go off during the burglary. “My father was at the property earlier this morning and saw that a window was broken. When he got to our space he saw that it had been broken open and most of it had been stolen”. Geertje still can’t believe what happened. “Everything we had, we put in this venture. We have nothing now”.

The estimated value of all the stolen goods comes to about €50,000. But according to Geertje, it is much more money. “We still have to make jewelry out of it, and if we sell it, of course it will be worth much more”.

That the burglary happens exactly during Dutch Design Week makes it extra sour. “My sister Roos is now very cool at the presentation at the DDW telling us what we do”, Geertje Eek says. The presentation is a bit “sparse” now, because most of the new collection has disappeared.

Unfortunately, the presentation for the DDW is not the biggest problem. Geertje: “We are still super young and only just started our business. That’s also why we are not insured”.

Still, they are holding their heads high. Although Geertje is still processing the blow, she also just has to move on. “We don’t know how we’re going to solve this yet, because we need money which we don’t have,” she says. And those solutions are needed quickly. “We do need to deliver to our customers and the cooperation with the factories continues as usual.”

The sisters did press charges and the police are going to investigate the case. That the perpetrators will be caught, the girls are not confident. Still, they share the security footage in the hope that the men will be recognised. Geertje wants to let everything sink in before she can continue again. “I’ll grab a drink tonight and then we’ll continue tomorrow”.

Watch the security footage below:

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

Radio bus in Eindhoven looking for most beautiful classical works


On Monday morning the national classical music radio station, NPO Radio 4, stood at the Eindhoven station with its ‘Hart en Ziel-bus’ (‘Heart and Soul Bus’).

The bus is making its way through the country looking for the most beautiful classical music, as chosen by their listeners. Well-known Eindhoven guests such as designer Piet Hein Eek, previous city poet, Merel Morre, and Muziekgebouw Eindhoven programmer, Frank Veenstra, came along to talk about their personal preferences in classical music.

Margriet Vroomans and Ab Nieuwdorp sat behind the microphone between 07:00 and 12:00. The tour’s intention through the Netherlands is to produce a list with the 300 most beautiful classical works.

Source: www.studio040.nl

Translated by: Bob

Edited by: Melinda

Weverijmuseum in Geldrop celebrating 40th anniversary

The Weverijmuseum (weaving museum) in Geldrop will celebrate its 40th anniversary at the end of next week. There will be free admission on these days. You can also participate in various activities and visitors can explore the renovated shop and the Museumcafé.

The Weverijmuseum was founded on 16 June, 1983 by volunteers to safeguard the textile industry’s inventory and keep the weaving craft alive. For seventeen years the organisation was able to use the NEKO hosiery factory in H. Geeststraat, but in 2000 it moved to the current location; the former Van den Heuvel textile factory on Molenstraat.


During the anniversary weekend, visitors can listen to the stories of the tour guides and weavers. Interim director Jolijn Brouwer: “You can discover the pattern makers, lace and label makers and the largest collection of historic looms in the Netherlands. Weave one of the largest tapestries in Geldrop-Mierlo and see how the tea towels are made on the various weaving machines”.

There is also live music and lectures. “And in the museum café, you get a free slice of weaver’s cake with a cup of coffee or tea”, Brouwer says. The children have also been thought of. “They can participate in a weaving workshop. In addition, a tombola takes place every half hour, with which you can win prizes”.

Anniversary tea towel

The museum is expanding its permanent collection of tea towels especially for the anniversary. The first designer to design the set of tea towels is Thera Berkhout. Museum volunteer and weaver. Her sets are available in five colours.

An anniversary tea towel has also been developed by ‘the queen of kitchen textiles’ Mariette Wolbert. The museum’s volunteers have made a very personal contribution to this. The new tea towels are for sale during the anniversary weekend.

For more information : Activities – Weverijmuseum

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

Nightclub PIXL snares world famous DJ Fedde Le Grand

Fedde Le Grand exchanges the large stage for a smaller-scale location. The world-famous DJ will perform at nightclub PIXL on Strijp-S on 16 May. “It’s great that he chose our club for an intimate club show”, co-founder, Pieter Lepelaars, says.

Le Grand, who is known for songs such as ‘Put Your Hands Up For Detroit’, can normally be found at major festivals such as Tomorrowland. Now the founders of the pop-up club, Tim van Mol and Lepelaars, have persuaded him to perform in Eindhoven through another DJ. And that is special. “He hasn’t played in a small club since his breakthrough, so we are very happy with that”, Lepelaars says cheerfully.

PIXL can accommodate ‘only’ 350 electronic music enthusiasts. There format: a DJ plays records in the middle of the room while the visitors are letting themselves go. And that is a resounding success. “I think all the events we had this year were sold out”, he proudly says.

Gap in the market

Lepelaars can think of a reason for the success. “There is a need for a place in Eindhoven where good electronic music is played. I think you can say that what we do is supported by the public and fills a kind of void”.

Although the club is doing well, the question remains how long PIXL will remain on Kastanjelaan. The nightclub is located in a demolished building. They can remain in place until 1 November. It will then be determined whether the contract can be extended again or whether they should move.

“We are looking for another place, but this is not concrete yet. We would like to return to a permanent place, where we can stay for ten years, for example”, Lepelaars says. The initiators’ preference is given to Eindhoven. In the meantime, PIXL continues to organise events.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

Patrick won Het Groot Dictee: ‘I’ve always had a love for language’

It is not entirely a surprise that Patrick van Aarle (47) from Eindhoven won ‘Het Groot Dictee’ (the big dictation) this weekend. All his life he has had a love for language. “When I still lived with my parents, I already participated in the dictation”. 

With only one error, he managed to leave Volkskrant (newspaper) columnist Karin Sitalsing and VVD (people’s party for freedom and democracy) MP Judith Tielen behind, both with two errors. Patrick’s one mistake was in a small corner. “I got the word ijzertijd (Iron Age) wrong”, Patrick says. “It had to be without capitals. I wrote it with a capital letter. Those are the words where I still doubt. Just like the middeleeuwen (Middle Ages), for example”.

Things could go wrong very quickly, according to Patrick. “The dictation started with the title Groningen is zó (Groningen is fine). She read it so emphatically that I added an accent, which was right. So it could have gone wrong in the title”.

“I’ve always had a love for language”. But it remains a hobby, Patrick says. “I used to be good at languages. Back in the 90s, when I was still living with my parents, I already participated in Het Groot Dictee. But I’m also good with exact numbers. I studied physics and meanwhile I have been a teacher at the Gymnasium Beekvliet in Sint-Michielsgestel for 20 years now”.

So many talents. However, there are also certain weaknesses. “If there’s something I’m not good at, it’s drawing. Even if I have to draw something in class, for example a little car, the students already laugh at me. I’ve also wanted to do odd jobs around the house for a while, but I’m not very good at it either”, the smiling Patrick says.

Eindhoven touch
Although the dictation took place in Groningen, there was still an Eindhoven element to be found. “When I’m in Groningen, I want to take something Eindhoven with me. I wore a shirt with the well-known light bulb. The skyline of Eindhoven could be seen in the light bulb. Some students had already noticed that I was wearing a colorful shirt again”.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

New Community Platform


Eindhoven News is committed to really connect international to local and therefore are we using a new events platform called OUTtogether.

Through this platform it is easy for people to ask others to do activities together.

On this platform you will find an overview of events, groups, calls and people.

Below the events you can place a call to ask others to join you, or to host an activity, or create a sub group.


Havelok percussion ensemble at re-opening V&D building


Tonight the old V&D building will be opened and the Havelok contemporary percussion quartet will perform there at 20:15h.

The building, at Vrijstraat in the city centre, will be re-opened as Warehouse of Innovation – Eindhoven. The venue will have a new purp

ose and is adapted to the “resilient spirit of the city, this location has reinvented itself into something bigger and better, adapting to the modern, ever-changing pace of Eindhoven,” according to Harm the organiser. Designers, artists and developers will make good use of the large space.

The Havelok ensemble which will perform tonight, was created in Rotterdam by four alumni from ‘Codarts Hogeschool voor de Kunsten’ (school of arts).

Maria, Niels, Emilio and Antonio will present their new project: ‘Innovative Sounds’. A new musical approach that takes conventional music concepts and instruments and ultimately breaks free from these traditions to create a new, transcendent, avant-garde and extravagant sound.

This ensemble is inspired by innovative and contemporary percussion pieces from composers such a Minoru Miki, Theo Lovendie, Thierry de May and Steve Reich among others.

Entrance to the concert is free to the public.


Eindhoven News is working together with SamenUitAgenda.nl which is a platform where you can find all sorts of interesting events. The nice and special thing is that you can get in touch with people before the event or after.





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