The Mayors of Eindhoven and Helmond find it a pity that Wim van de Donk is giving up his post as the province of Brabant’s Commissioner to the King.
These city officials travelled together on a regular basis to, for example, promote the regional technology sector. “Van de Donk was always committed to the Brainport area. He worked hard to draw attention to the importance of this beautiful region in The Hague”, Mayor John Jorritsma says.
His colleague from Helmond agrees. “Wim has become a personal friend of mine”, Mayor Elly Blanksma says. “He really is a connector. Not only within Brabant. He also makes connections with other big cities .”
Van de Donk is to take up the position as rector of the University in Tilburg later in the year. It is not yet known who will succeed him.
Source: Studio040
Translator: Bob
Editor: Melinda Walraven