Reports of suspicious men hanging around kids

men acting suspiciously around children
Photo Credit: Eindhoven Media Library/Studio040/Alain Heeren

In recent days, the police have received multiple reports of a couple of men acting suspiciously with children.

‘We, of course, take these reports very seriously,” reads the police websites. There were four reports of which one was in Veldhoven and one in Eindhoven. Police are investigating.

They are patrolling the areas of the locations where people reported these incidents more frequently too. The police have not named these places. What is known is that its areas where groups of kids congregate. “We’re actively liaising with local safety partners like the municipalities [too].”

Social media

“People were circulating a photo of a man in a car on social media. Messages suggested that he’s involved in these incidents. Our investigation shows this isn’t the case,” the police say.

“We have pointed this out. We want to prevent him from being wrongly accused.” According to the police, it’s too early to draw any conclusions.

“To protect people’s privacy, we ask that such photos not be shared online,” the police added. They request that images of suspicious situations instead be shared with them. You can always report questionable situations via 112.

Sources: OmroepBrabant and the Police

Translator: Melinda Walraven

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