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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Event News

All events from Eindhoven

Walking the Southern waterline: 11 Brabant cities defended by water

For centuries in Brabant, water has been both an enemy and a friend. Over hundreds of years, locals have built waterlines and used the water as a defence against attacks.

The longest, oldest, and most used waterline in the Netherlands is the Zuiderwaterlinie (Southern waterline) which runs right through Brabant. In the coming weeks, you can see it up close and learn how that waterline worked. From 19 to 29 June, you can walk through all eleven fortified cities with Expeditie Zuiderwaterlinie.

The routes take you on a tour through 450 years of Brabant military history. The Southern waterline took on its shape and form at the end of the Middle Ages. Over the years, people added defences, which strengthened the original line. Up to and including the Cold War, the Southern waterline remained important for Brabant’s protection.


For those who want to do the 20km version, the first stage of Expeditie Zuiderwaterlinie starts in Bergen op Zoom on today (Wednesday), 19 June. There is also a shorter route every day of approximately 10km. You walk this route in a group with a guide. Whatever distance you choose, everyone is welcome to join get-together after each day’s walk. In the past, walkers have sung songs together or watched a dance performance.

The eleventh and final stage, on Saturday, 29 June, leads to Grave. That day you can opt for an extra long, 40km route is may be a nice option if this is the only day that you walk. Participation every day is not mandatory. You can walk one route or multiple routes. The choice is yours as to how much you, and which routes, you decide to walk. Participating in the Expeditie Zuiderwaterlinie is free, but you must register.

Hard or soft ‘g’

While walking, you will discover that the Southern waterline is not only an important military heritage but that it is also a cultural border. Between north and south, Roman Catholic and Protestant, and the hard and soft “g”. Presenter Björn van der Doelen showcases the history of the Southern waterline in a brand new series. He encounters wonderful stories, sometimes about those differences but especially about cooperation to defend Brabant. The first episode can be seen on Sunday, 7 July, on Omroep Brabant.

Source: Omroep Brabant

Translator: Nicole Cullinan

Editor: Melinda Walraven

Young Brainport Summer School attracts young international talent

Brainport Eindhoven’s internationalisation is to get a further impetus. The fourth edition of the Young Brainport Summer School (YBSS) will be held from 10 to 17 August.

Forty gifted youngsters between the ages of 15 and 18 from 17 different countries worldwide are attending this educational summer week. They will be immersed in all the innovative activities and culture of the city and region. The goal is to give these top talents a ‘life-changing experience’. It is hoped they will remain connected to Brainport and be ambassadors for Eindhoven.

Well-known professors and representatives from the business world and knowledge institutions will guide the kids through the world of new technologies. There will be special demos, company visits, and challenging assignments. The programme also includes social activities, where the participants will get to know the city and region better.

‘An amazing experience’

A successful combination, according to the reaction of one of the 2018 participants. Vikram Bhatt from Canada, “YBSS is a truly amazing experience, a healthy mix of exhilarating social activities and brain hammering company workshops. It feels like you are in a completely new world as you explore Brainport Eindhoven. But you also feel at home as you socialise with other students with similar mindsets. All in all, YBSS helped me grow as an individual, and it is something I will never forget.”

“This is how the region reaches new talent needed for the future, “said Yvonne van Hest, Programme Manager at Brainport Development. “Due to the shortage in the technological labour market, many companies in Brainport Eindhoven have a shortage of well-trained staff. It is important to attract the largest possible pool of talent from students from at home and abroad. The YBSS is one of the ways to fill that talent pool.”

All participants receive a certificate at the end of the week.

Translator: Melinda Walraven

Source: Brainport.nl

Meerhoven24 charity relay race scrapped


The Meerhoven24 walking weekend, which raised money for the Make A Wish Foundation, has been scrapped.

Meerhoven24, a 24-hour relay race in which several teams raise money for charity, has become a household name in Meerhoven over the past decade. However, its Board decided that the costs were not worth it. “It really takes a lot of time and energy”, Fred Gundlach, founder of the event, says. “When I said that to the rest of the Board, it turned out even more people felt that way. In the end, four out of six people preferred to stop”. A substitute event was sought, but this did not work out.

Gundlach called it a pity that ‘his’ event has ended, and looks back with melancholy. “It’s very double. I’m looking forward to more rest, but we’ve also seen such wonderful editions”. Preparations for the last edition are therefore more emotional than ever. “I look back at films from previous years and it affects me more than usual. I hope we can make a fantastic final edition”.

A record number of teams will participate in the final edition: 29 in total. With this last run, the organisation hopes to have donated a total of half a million euros to Make A Wish, across all editions.

Source: www.studio040.nl
Translated by: Bob

Region represented at Graduation Show


There are more than 30 different nationalities among the 181 graduates at the Design Academy’s Graduation Show 2019. Among all these graduation projects is one that deals with the city of Eindhoven – Sense of Place, by Bloeme Groenewold.

Bloeme has divided Eindhoven up based on emotions. She asked 150 people from Eindhoven how they feel about certain places in the city. Stadhuisplein, for example, is a bit of a sad place. But at the same time, it gives a feeling of freedom. This is because of the skaters who skate there every day.

In Woensel, there is a feeling of belonging, thanks to the people from a wide range of cultures that live in the area. At the same time, those people sometimes miss the customs of their homeland. Each area in Eindhoven has its own feeling, and Bloeme has mapped this out using colourful objects.


During Dutch Design Week (DDW), the Design Academy’s Bachelors and Masters students present their graduation productions. This takes place during the Graduation Show. According to graduate, Anne Kamps, the students work towards this event throughout their studies.

“It is very intense,” she says. “You get up in the morning and certainly do not feel completely rested”. However, she enjoys it enormously. The visitors are involved and ask a lot of questions. They sometimes even have a viewpoint of her work she had not even thought of yet.

Six-winged chicken, rotating pig, and meatless milking goat

Eindhoven Design Academy, Duthc Design Week, Graduation Show
Anne Kamps’ project. Photo credit: Studio040

Anne’s graduation project is in response to news about a six-winged chicken. The fast-food chain, KFC, is said to have developed a six-winged chicken. This is so they can get more wings from fewer chickens.

Many readers believe the news; among them, Anne. She wonders what kind of fantasy creatures can be imagined and what kind of fabulous animals actually exist.

The result is a book with a rotating pig ‘of which you can cut slices off more easily’. The meatless milking goat has also been given a place in her work. “I do not have a very strong opinion about my subject at all. I eat meat myself. Not so often, but sometimes I do. It is more about making visitors think about the meat industry. As consumers, they have the power to make their own choices. Sometimes they do not realise that”.

Not only abstract ideas

Many of the projects exhibited at the Graduation Show are abstract. They zoom in on society and make visitors think about social themes. But self-proclaimed ‘very down-to-earth’ graduate Malou Kremers thinks differently.

She made a sleeper-chair. This is a sofa bed which can fold into a chair. In no time at all, you can have a bed or an armchair in your living room. Practical, with no deeper meaning – just a handy, stylish piece of furniture.

The graduates’ works all vary. However, according to Marc Ruis of the Design Academy, there is indeed a connection in the exhibited work. Students are increasingly concerned about the future.

Nature and the environment, for example, are recurring topics. One graduate made new products out of flower waste. Another used human stools as manure. All 181 graduation projects can be seen during DDW in the old Campina factory on Kanaaldijk-Zuid in Eindhoven.

Source: Studio040

Translator: Bob

Editor: Melinda Walraven


Eindhoven turns 100 in 2020


Next year, the city of Eindhoven’s celebrates its centenary anniversary. And the Municipality has great plans.

It has been almost 100 years since the villages of Eindhoven, Gestel, Stratum, Woensel, Strijp, and Tongelre amalgamated to form the present-day Eindhoven. Since then, Eindhoven has been growing rapidly and continues to do so. Of all the Dutch cities that have more than 200,000 inhabitants, Eindhoven has expanded the fastest.

Mayor John Jorritsma, “Eindhoven is large and small all at once.”

According to Eindhoven’s Mayor, John Jorritsma, the city’s centenary is something to truly celebrate. “This single municipality was formed as a result of Philips’ growth spurt. A hundred years ago, it needed a lot of workforce and space. A united city could offer that.”

Large and small at the same time

“Now, 100 years later, Eindhoven has a strong domestic and international presence. The villages that made up Eindhoven as a whole have, however, kept their individual identities. We are, therefore, simultaneously, a small-scale and international player.”

“Philips is on its way to becoming the largest company in the world. Philips is still a major household name. It, has, however, expanded into the areas of knowledge, technology, and design,” says Jorritsma in a press release issued by the City Council.

The Municipality of Eindhoven will kick off the anniversary year on 6 January with the Kick-Off 1920-2020. This event takes place in DOMUSDELA/Mariënhage. It replaces two other events – the traditional New Year’s concert in the Muziekgebouw and the municipal New Year’s reception in the City Hall. It will be a low-key cultural meeting aimed at all inhabitants of the city.

In 2020, the City Council wants to focus on promoting social togetherness and solidarity. It is, therefore, wants to partner with Eindhoven’s social and cultural institutions. They are calling on all these kinds of associations, groups, and even individuals to organise initiatives that celebrate the city’s solidarity.

‘Honour, celebrate, create’

This, under the banner, ‘Eer gisteren – Vier vandaag – Maak morgen’ (‘Honour the past – celebrate the present – create the future). People can go to eindhoven1920-2020.nl for more information. There are already several events posted, for example, the Gennerper Parken Lopen, on 5 January.

Other events include “A Night On The Town” in the Muziekgebouw. This gala concert by the Royal Harmonico Phileutonia. The villages and the city are portrayed through music, hip hop, images, photos, and films.

The PSV supporters’ association and the Eindhoven Centre for Art and Culture – better known as the CKE –  also celebrate their 100th anniversary in 2020. The Marathon Eindhoven wants to organise a Ringloop, where participants start and finish at their own district.

Trees as a live celebration

A Tilia or Linden tree. Photo credit: Wikipedia

The Municipality is also planning to plant a large number of tilia, or linden, trees in every district. The trees are intended as tangible reminders of the Eindhoven’s 100th anniversary. The City Council is looking at how these specially-pruned trees can be planted at six ‘central and historically important locations’.

“These trees, planted in a central place, will be of symbolic value,” says an Eindhoven civil servant. “In the past, these were places of, for example, wedding ceremonies and birth celebrations. Places where people gathered. At the same time, this project contributes to the further greening of the city.”

Sources: Eindhoven City Council and Studio040

Translator: Melinda Walraven

new HEMA will have new concept restaurant

From Thursday, 12 March, HEMA in Eindhoven’s city center will be in their new location on 18 Septemberplein. The first 50 paying customers will receive a goody bag filled to the brim with HEMA items.

People must take note that the old store in Rechtestraat will be closed from this Sunday, 7 March. The new 1,750 m2 store will include a new restaurant concept. Although it seems big, it will, in fact, be easier for customers to find items in this new shop. Above all, the store’s fresh new look will catch the shopper’s eye.

HEMA kitchen is a new concept too. It focuses on fresh and healthy food. The restaurant has a completely new look with counters with salads, healthy sandwiches, smoothies, juices, and fresh soups. The dishes contain 100% natural ingredients and have been developed entirely according to HEMA recipes. In this way, HEMA is responding to the increasing demand for fresh and healthy meals.

Very proud

Phillip Mes, HEMA Netherlands’ Director says, “For more than 92 years, HEMA has been making our customers’ daily lives in Eindhoven better, more fun, and easier.” He says he is particularly proud of this new store. “This latest HEMA store and restaurant concept has been extensively tested among customers in the Netherlands and Belgium. It received many positive reactions from both customers and employees.”

“Rolling out the new store concept is an important part of HEMA’s growth strategy. This consists of improving performance in the core Dutch and Belgian markets.” They also want to grow internationally with partners and expand its online channels.

HEMA has 32,000 own products and services, more than 750 stores and 19,000 employees. This chain store is active in 12 countries on 3 continents.

Dutch Design Week 2020 will take place entirely online

This year’s Dutch Design Week (DDW) will be held entirely online, with no live in-person events. Mayor of Eindhoven, John Jorritsma, and Monique List-de Roos from Eindhoven city council made this decision. It was largely based on the new stringent regulations given by the Dutch government during Monday evening’s press conference.

Veiligsheidregio Brabant, or ‘Safety Region Brabant’, a government department responsible for implementing public health and safety measures in the region also contributed to the decision. They say that moving DDW online is necessary due to the increasing number of coronavirus cases in the Netherlands. This is because hosting live events for groups of people, and the national and international travel that DDW brings about, risks increasing infection rates even further.

‘Saddens us deeply’

Dutch Design Foundation (DDF), the organisation behind DDW, say although they understand the decision, they are saddened. They initially hoped for a more ‘intimate’ version of the usual DDW ‘that would take place both live and digitally’. Martijn Paulen, DDF’s director says, ‘We knew this would be an odd year, but that the live festival now, with only two and half weeks to go, cannot take place at all saddens us deeply’.

‘Cutting the soul out of the city’

Jorritsma says that he appreciates DDF’s efforts to try and make a live event as safe as possible. He did not make the decision to cancel it lightly. For a city like Eindhoven where design is so central to its culture, he says cancelling events like DDW is like ‘cutting the soul out of the city’.

However, Jorritsma adds that ‘when I see the increasing number of infections in our city, with the images of the overflowing healthcare system in spring still vividly in mind’, he must make ‘fighting the virus and preventing new infections’ his priority. ‘Welcoming or facilitating large groups of people who visit DDW in the city’ does not line up with that priority. Likewise, councillor List-de Roos says ‘we cannot actively invite people to come to the city at this time; that is not responsible’.

Next steps

DDF is now busy working on building a digital platform to host an online version of DDW. Their main focus is on maintaining connections between audiences and designers in a digital world.


Translation: Rachael Vickerman

Source: Dutch Design Foundation and Eindhoven City Council press release

Students want to ‘save’ the city’s nightlife

‘Save the Night’. This is what a group of students is calling their live stream.

The five students are from the Fontys Minor Dance Industry in Tilburg. They’re organising a 24-hour live stream from Lab-1 in Eindhoven. They want to draw attention to the city’s nightlife.

One of the organisers, Demi Kok, explains why the students started the project. “Nightlife is extremely important for many people. Not only for the development of the city, for participants’ development too.”

“For many people, going out at night forms an important part of their social life. That’s in danger now.” According to Kok, various places contribute to a night out.

Twenty-four hours of attention to Eindhoven’s nightlife. Image source: Studio040

These include hotels, bars, cafes, restaurants, as well as those in the cultural sector. The corona crisis is hitting these places hard. “That, while there are few opportunities to make up for these losses.”

An experience

“A restaurant can still deliver meals; for a pub or a nightclub, it’s different,” explains Demi. “It’s difficult to have a beer delivered. People also come for the experience, the social interaction.”

“An online concert or zoom meeting can’t replace that.” However, this is the form ‘Save the Night’ has to take. “It’s the only way for us to draw attention to the state of nightlife.”

The event starts this Thursday at 18:00. It’ll last until 18:00 the next day. It’ll consist of debates, columns, and music.

“LAB-1, the Mission, GroenLinks, several night mayors, The Orchestra Collective, Smèrrig, and the Pit Stop youth centre will be joining the discussion.” The event will be streamed live via the Twitch.tv streaming platform.

Source: Studio040

Translator: Bob

Editor: Melinda Walraven

Expat welcome evenings start again

Holland Expat Center South is organising welcome evenings again. The physical meetings are for internationals who come to live in Eindhoven.

There are now two welcome evenings scheduled to be held in Lab-1. During the meetings, expats get a tour of the city and can meet other internationals.

Corona crisis
Due to the corona crisis, the Expat Center had to continue its activities online as much as possible. Now, slowly but surely, they want to try to meet again in real life.

The events are on 3 September and 1 October. Admission is free. Registration is mandatory.

For more information : Holland Expat Center – Holland Expat Center

Source: www.studio040.nl

Eindhoven News translator: Bob

International Women’s Day 2022-# Break the bias

After two years, International women’s day is back at the Park Theater in Eindhoven.

Together with WOMEN Inc., Jump Movement, the Bibliotheek Eindhoven, The Wave and the platform Alle Vrouwen in Eindhoven/All Women in Eindhoven, Eindhoven News they will be celebrating this meaningful day on March 12th at Park Theater.

Break the Bias

 The chosen theme for this year follows the guidelines of the UN and the International Women’s Organization. 

We celebrate female participation in a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

As every year, we put together several organizations that support women of various nationalities and backgrounds to promote their creative talents and own projects in the fields of coaching, assistance, education, female leadership, work, and politics. 

Also, partner organizations are given the opportunity to provide information, make contacts and expand networks.




TIME: 13:00 – 18:00 hrs.




For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/WomensDayCLO




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