Region marks 80 years of freedom

Region celebrates 80 years of freedom
Photo Credit: Studio040 / Rogier Overvliet

Next week marks 80 years since the region was liberated from Nazi Germany. Commemorations are taking place all over the region. Here is a list of commemorations throughout the municipality.


There will be a commemoration on the British Field of Honour in Mierlo on Sunday. Geldrop and Mierlo got freedom on 19 September and 22 September respectively. There will be a joint celebration on 15 September. The programme starts at 11:15 am and lasts an hour. A column of the Liberation Task Force will make a stop at the commemoration. After the official part, there will be space to view the vehicles.

Son en Breugel

On 17 September, Son and Breugel commemorate the liberation. At 18:45, a procession will start from Eekhoornlaan to the paratrooper’s monument on Europalaan. At 19:00, the ceremony starts at the monument. The Mayor and representatives of the 101st Airborne Division, the American Embassy, the Youth Council, veterans from Son en Breugel, and Airborn Re-enactment Holland will lay wreaths. Music will be provided by the 101st Airborne Division and the Bloaskaken. The Catharina Guild will perform a flag salute during the ceremony. Around 20:00, the ceremony will end.


Like Eindhoven, Waalre was liberated on 18 September. On Friday, at 19:30, the mayor will give an opening speech in the House of Waalre. Then there will be a theatre lecture and a reading. At 22:00 the closing will be with drinks.


20 September is the Liberation Day for Nuenen. On that day, the memorial service will take place in the Clemens Church at 18:00. Among other things, the names of the fallen allies and civilians will be read here. Brass Band Nuenen will provide the music.


In Eindhoven, this year’s commemoration will be approached differently from past decades. There will not only be a parade with wreath laying and speeches but also music, stories, and a focus on contemporary conflicts. Read in detail what the plans are in Eindhoven here.


Best was liberated a month later, on 24 October. The liberation will be commemorated that day in the coach garden. During this commemoration, plaques bearing the names of 171 Britons who died will be unveiled. Harmony St Caecilia, the Occasion Choir and bagpiper Willie McVean will provide music. The commemoration will start at 18:30.

Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Chaitali Sengupta.


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