New school on wheels for fairground children

Photo credit: Studio040

In the Woensel district, a new primary school for fairground children opened on Wednesday. The children of the fairground entrepreneurs who are at Park Hilaria this week were allowed to take a look right away. “The handyman cabinet is especially fun.”

The new school on wheels has room for 24 children. They also go to a regular school, but as soon as the fair season starts, they are in the mobile school. The children also attend classes here in the summer. “The classes are the same. Only these children have holidays at different times, in February or March. During the fair season, they go with their parents, from fair to fair. They also attend classes here”, explains Toon Verwijk, an entrepreneur who is a regular guest at Park Hilaria and has lived and worked at and around the fair all his life.


The new mobile school is an immediate hit with the children. “It’s big and beautiful,” says one of the students. “I especially like the tool cabinet. I like to do crafts,” says another boy. “The facilities are better than in my time,” Verwijk responds.

This week there are still lessons in Eindhoven, as long as Park Hilaria lasts. After that the mobile school moves to Den Bosch, where the funfair starts next Friday.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

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