Eindhoven turns orange, but expectations are low

Several streets in Eindhoven turn orange for the European Football Championship.

Several streets in Eindhoven turn orange for the European Football Championship. The Netherlands will play Romania in the eighth-finals on Tuesday evening, but the residents are not hopeful. “I think they will play 1-1 and then lose on penalties,” says a resident on Merwedestraat.

A resident of Aarlenlaan has a little more confidence in the Dutch national team. “They will reach the semi-finals, but as soon as they have to play Spain or France, they will be out. In any case, they will not become champions this year.” Despite low expectations, all orange items were faithfully removed from the attic and put up on both the streets in Eindhoven.


Colouring orange has become a tradition in Merwedestraat. “The flags come out every tournament. Sometimes a tent is even set up, and we arrange snacks so that we can all watch the match together,” says Jeroen Stafel, the initiator in the Merwedestraat. Since 2014, he has ensured that his street is completely decorated for every European or World Cup.

This tradition has existed in Aarlenlaan for more than 20 years. “We used even to build a stand here and we would all have a drink together and watch the matches. Now we, and most of the street, have unfortunately become too old for that,” says a resident. However, the houses are still decorated.

Source: Studio040

Translate :Ayşenur Kuran 

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