‘Night of Tips’ raises more than 41,000 euros

Photo credit: Pixabay

Students from nine cities, including Eindhoven, raised more than 41 thousand euros during the ‘Night of Tips’! This year, all proceeds will go to a school in Malawi.

With the slogan ‘Keep the change, change the world’, students managed to get a large number of catering establishments enthusiastic about this fundraising campaign. The ‘Night of Tips’ is organised annually by students who volunteer for this.

The amount raised goes to the Mganja primary school in Malawi. This hundred-year-old school is almost collapsing and has no electricity. The lack of toilets and taps also causes poor hygiene. About 1,100 students walk for hours to get here and sometimes there are up to two hundred children in a group.

The tips, which were donated by the catering industry in Eindhoven and elsewhere, are spent on building and renovating classrooms, the construction of new toilet blocks and the purchase of tables and chairs. In addition to collecting tips, sponsored runs were also organised in Eindhoven in collaboration with various schools. A total of almost 12,000 euros was raised.

Wild Geese

Wilde Ganzen (Wild Geese), sponsor of ‘Nacht van de Fooi’, doubles the amount raised. This means that a total of more than 82 thousand euros ends up at the primary school in Malawi. The participating student cities this year were: Amsterdam, Delft, Eindhoven, Groningen, Leiden, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Utrecht and Wageningen.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

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