Design Academy stays in Eindhoven

Departure of Design Academy increasingly likely: 'There are no feasible options in the city'
Photo credit: Studio040

The board of the prestigious design school Design Academy has decided to stay in Eindhoven. This decision is taken together with the Supervisory Board (BoS). “We are very happy to have taken this decision after a careful and well-considered analysis of all options,” says board chairman Joseph Grima.

Earlier, Studio040 announced that the leading design institute was seriously considering moving to Roermond. Students and staff of the institute therefore took action. Grima now confirms that a move to Limburg City was a serious consideration.

“We thought Roermond’s proposal was exceptional and very professional. It was seriously considered. We appreciate the municipality of Roermond for its ambition and vision and would like to thank them for all their hard work in this process,” Joseph Grima continued.

Long history

Nevertheless, a different decision was made and Eindhoven remains the home of the design school. “We have always preferred Eindhoven because of our long history in the city and the established ecosystem of design. We are therefore happy with the strong commitment of the municipality to help us stay here,” Grima said.


“The remaining sites in the city meet the programme of requirements. The student housing situation is positive. And we are also optimistic about strengthening the design ecosystem,” says the design school director Raf De Keninck.

“We experience a constructive attitude from stakeholders and the province. We look forward to working out and securing further agreements. As a leading international design school, we would like to work with the entire field to flesh out the D of Design in the Brainport Eindhoven region,” says De Keninck.

Which locations are being considered for new accommodation at the DAE is not yet known.

Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Chaitali Sengupta.

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