Registrations open for Eindhoven ASML Marathon


From this Thursday, runners can register for the ASML Marathon Eindhoven. About 35,000 people are expected to participate in the various parts of the sporting event.

In true tradition, the marathon will take place in the second weekend of October, on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 October. A number of new elements are being introduced for the 40th edition of the marathon.

Saturday Agenda

On Saturday there is a city walk through Eindhoven for 12 or 20 kilometers that visits some ‘iconic locations’ in the city. You will be provided with refreshments and along the way you will encounter various music points and stamp posts and indeed finish at Vestdijk.’Jumbo Mini Marathon’ will attract the ‘little runners’ and there are two routes of 1.5 or 2.5 kms.  Of course, Saturday ends with a five-kilometre city -run.

Sunday spectacle

On Sunday there is room for the full, half and quarter marathon. In addition, the Belgian Championship will also be held for the eighth time during the marathon.

Free starting tickets

“As a title partner, ASML thinks it is fantastic that we can also bring athletes and their spectators together in the fortieth edition,” says Marjolein de Hooge, head of social involvement at ASML.

“Last year we made free tickets available to Brainport residents who would otherwise not be able to participate. This was such a success that we are expanding it this year with hundreds of starting tickets and an extensive training program. With this, we give them the opportunity to work together towards a goal and to be at the start of this event.”

Source: Studio 040

For EIndhoven News: Beena Arunraj


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