Eindhoven invests 73 million in new school buildings

Pic credit: Studio040.nl

The municipality of Eindhoven will invest in better primary schools in Gestel. A total of approximately 73 million euros will be allocated for the construction of six school buildings. One completely new school building must also be added.

The municipality first wants to start with the new construction of the Hobbitstee primary school. Islamic primary school Tarieq will also have a second location in Gestel. Springplank, Startblik, Kameleon and Hanevoet will also get a new building. The amount of 73 million euros is not only the responsibility of the municipality, the school boards also pay a significant amount.

The Hobbiton and Tarieq are housed close to each other on Flotowlaan. The other schools will remain at their current locations. It remains to be seen whether the location on Flotowlaan will be available in time, because Sint Joriscollege/Helder will soon move into the building in anticipation of new construction at its own location.

Residential construction

The municipality expects a significant increase in housing construction in Gestel, which means that the new school buildings are desperately needed. To be on the safe side, the municipality will build on the maximum growth capacity, which means that it is expected that more space will be created than will be used. The remaining capacity can get a different social function when the number of residents shrinks in the longer term, the municipality has announced.

The new construction of Charlemagne, De Hobbiton and Tarieq must be completed in 2027. Kameleon and Hanevoet should each have a new home in 2029 and Springplanken and Startblok should be able to move into their new homes in 2030.

Source: Studio040.nl

Transalted by: Anitha Sevugan

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