Agreements on parking in Genneper Parks need to be honoured

Geneper park carparking Pic credit : Eindhoven Gemeente

The CDA wants the city council to honour agreements on parking in Genneper Parks. Visitors were supposed to be allowed free parking at busy times because of the disappearance of parking spaces and the introduction of paid parking in the car park. This promise has still not been fulfilled after all these years. That is why the party asked council questions.

Eindhoven City Council

In 2018, the Municipal Executive gave the green light for a parking garage. In addition, half of car park P4 at hockey club Oranje-Rood would disappear and be given back to nature. It was noted that these measures should not be at the expense of the athletes. Two years later, the city council announced that sports clubs would be allowed to use the P&R for free at peak times. There would also be clear signage and bicycle parking problems at the hockey club would be addressed.

Agreements not met

Those agreements have not yet been met. For instance, there have already been a number of FC Eindhoven matches where visitors had to pay to park in the garage. According to the CDA, this  is due to the app still being under development and due to ongoing discussions within the municipality on how to compensate for the lack of revenue.

Councillor Remco van Dooren wonders why a solution was not considered earlier. In addition, the CDA wants to know whether the city council is willing to temporarily open the P+R until there is a definitive solution. Finally, the party is curious whether there are concerns about the use of the car park by home and away supporters groups walking to FC Eindhoven via the Oranje-Rood grounds.


Translated by: Anitha Sevugan

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