New speed limits in nine locations

Speed limit positions- Eindhoven municipality

Eindhoven will introduce a speed limit of 30 kilometres per hour in nine places in the city. The ambition to lower the speed limit in more places within the ring was already laid down in the administrative agreement that was concluded in 2022

In addition to Tongelresestraat, the Insulindelaan service road is also on Edenstraat, Mecklenburgstraat, P. Czn Hooftlaan, Tivolilaan and St Petrus Canisiuslaan, Floralaan West, 2e Lieven de Keylaan, Hendrik de Keyzerplein and part of 1e Lieven de Keylaan. and Rev. Theodoor Fliednerstraat and Wolvendijk have reduced the speed limit.

The idea is that by introducing a lower speed limit, cyclists and pedestrians should be better protected. “I want Eindhoven to be a traffic-safe city for young and old. Reducing the maximum speed really matters if you want to improve safety,” says Monique Esselbrugge, Mobility Councilor. “I am happy that we are now going back in a number of locations to 30 kilometres per hour. Step by step we will further expand this lower speed limit within built-up areas.”

‘Offers opportunities’

It is expected that the maximum speed will be reduced in more places in Eindhoven. “Reducing driving speed not only leads to greater road safety, it also offers opportunities for more greenery and improvement of the quality of public space. In addition, lower speeds contribute to a reduction in noise and vibrations caused by traffic,” according to the municipality of Eindhoven.

For Eindhoven News: Beena Arunraj


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  1. It is some consolation to read here that the authorities are keen on reducing driving speed in built up areas for the safety of the cyclist and the old. But when will the old be protected from the cyclists who constantly whizz by overtaking elderly , feeble and those on walkers ( rooster)? These elderly people are using the footpath yet the cyclists arrogantly sneak from behind. They never use the bell. The pizza outside the Bijenkorf and Dunken Doughnuts cyclists , motorists , electric bike users are constantly using this thoroughfare as their personal property. There is a signboard forbidding cyclists, motorists and electric bikers entry and a signboard for pedestrians only! . But this sign board is stuck way above the eye level and so conveniently IGNORED. I am a 71 year living on Veldmaarschalk Montgomerylaan in Eindhoven and use this regularly to reach the city centre. At my age i need to keep Fit by walking such distances. I DO NOT feel safe walking this area nor even outside my own building simply because I have been hit many times by bicyclists. When will and can the authorities make me feel safe to take a walk ?


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