Dozens of Lego robots conquer youth center Dynamo

Dozens of lego Robots conquer youth center Dynamo
photo Credit: Studio040

A competition between thirty Lego robots created by children from primary and secondary schools in the region. The competition is scheduled for Saturday, during the First Lego League regional final at Dynamo in Eindhoven.

Previously, mainly “plus classes” participated in the Frist Lego League. Now children from various schools and youth work organizations compete in Eindhoven. It is one of the largest regional finals in the Netherlands.

Passion and talent
“For example, we have teams from the creative vmbo school Sint Lucas and teams from the Tech Playgrounds, where children can participate outside school. They also include students from special education or vmbo, for example. Because of this, young people experience that school types do not say much about passion and talent for robotics,” says Fleur Besters of the Tech Playgrounds.

With this, the organization hopes to polish the image of robotics and make it fun for everyone. “By organizing the event in the concert hall of Dynamo, the organization wanted to show at the start that robotics as a hobby is just as cool as music or sports,” Besters said.

Brainport companies in the jury

The final winner of the Firste Lego League is determined by jury members coming from companies in the Brainport. Volunteers from ASML, Philips, SMC, Frencken, and Korein, among others, judge the Lego robots.

The competition is open to everyone.

Source: Studio040

Translation: Chaitali Sengupta. She also gives online INBURGERING classes.

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