More money for parties in Eindhoven city council

Eindhoven city council more money for parties
Photo credit: Studio040

Political parties that have a seat in the Eindhoven city council will get extra money for support starting next year.

For the next four years, €400,000 have been set aside to support the city council. One of the expenses will be an increase in the basic budget for the political groups, according to a document from the municipality. In the proposal, the amount for parties goes from €14,500 to more than €19,000.

The larger parties will receive more budget than the smaller groups. The political groups can decide for themselves in what way they want additional support, for example with more hours for staff or training.

This is a temporary increase. A new city council must decide in 2026 whether this amount will remain, or be adjusted again.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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