On the TU/e campus, the speed limit is going to be reduced from 50 to 30 kilometers per hour. The municipality and the university, both agree on this.
According to the municipality, a lower speed is better for the university grounds. Many people live and work on the campus. The idea is to give the pedestrians and cyclists the maximum space. ‘Living, working, studying and recreating in green are central to this thought,’ says the city council.
In addition, the municipality has the ambition to make large parts of Eindhoven ‘car-free’. This also applies to the TU terrain. Low-traffic measures are all over the place already, such as speed bumps, pedestrian crossings, and narrowed roads. In addition, lowering the speed contributes to traffic safety for employees, students, and visitors to the campus’, explains the municipality.
The university’s Executive Board has agreed to the plan.
Source: www.studio040.nl
Translation: Chaitali Sengupta, who gives online INBURGERING classes.