More shows and concerts should be organised in Area51 at Strijp S. To this end, a hundred next-door neighbours of Area51 have signed a petition.
It is a response to an earlier petition by local residents, who complained about the inconvenience they experienced. As a result, the number of shows has been reduced from 50 to only 12 a year, ultimately ending at 23:00 hrs.
By means of this petition, the residents of the adjacent buildings ‘Anton’ and ‘Gerard’ want to show that there are a lot of local residents who experience no inconvenience at all. On the contrary, they feel sympathetic towards Area51.
In de petitie vragen ze om een uitbreiding van het aantal shows van 12 naar bijvoorbeeld 18 of 24 per jaar. En ze willen graag dat de maximale eindtijd wordt verschoven van 23.00 uur naar 00.30 of 1.00 uur. In the petition they ask for an increase of the number of shows from 12 to, for example, 18 or 24 a year. They would also like to see the final time the shows end to be moved from 23:00 hrs to 00:30 or 1:00 pm.