13 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Event News

All events from Eindhoven

Christmas thrift store raises €36,000 for charity

The thrift store in Woensel, which was set up around Christmas to raise money for charity, has raised a large final amount. A total of €36,000 was raised for KWF/Alpe d’HuZes , De Eik and No Guts No Glory*.

The total proceeds amounted to €56,000. More than 60 per cent of this was donated to charities. Part of the amount went to the tax authorities. Each cause ultimately received €12,000, so that the money goes to, among other things, fighting cancer and providing a special day for seriously ill people.

Christmas thrift store

Since 2018, Team Lekker Belangrijk (team pretty important) has been organising a thrift store with second-hand Christmas items. Several people donate their Christmas items to the foundation that they no longer need. After this, the team ensures that the items are cleaned and repaired. This way, the items can be sold for a small price to people who need them.

Various companies are sponsors of the store. The business is supported with services and goods from a number of Eindhoven companies.

Team Lekker Belangrijk

This volunteer organisation has been organising various activities since 2012 to raise money for charities that deal with serious diseases.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

KWF: Funding and facilitating cancer research; influencing policy; sharing knowledge.
De Eik: Centre that provides support for people in Eindhoven and surroundings, who are dealing with cancer.
No Guts No Glory: foundation that aims to realise special experiences and wishes for people with cancer and their caregivers.

Brainport fund starting to close gap between rich & poor

More help for staff with financial problems, extra guidance for the homeless and more people over 50 who can be helped into a job. These are some of the results of the ‘Brainport for Each Other’ fund, which was launched a year ago to close the gap between rich and poor in the region.

During the New Year’s meeting ‘The New Horizon’ in the Evoluon, Mayor Jeroen Dijsselbloem shared the first results of the social fund on Tuesday, which is fed with knowledge and budgets from companies, knowledge institutions and municipalities in the Eindhoven region.

According to Dijsselbloem, ‘Brainport for Each Other’ is gaining more and more content and scope. “Almost 2,700 volunteers from various companies have worked for social organisations in the region over the past year,” said the mayor. “More and more municipalities, companies, educational institutions and organisations are joining.”

Downside of prosperity

The launch of the fund a year ago did not come out of the blue. Due to the rapid growth of the high-tech region, some of the residents are in danger of not being able to participate in the success story. “We should not go the way of San Francisco,” the mayor said earlier. The specter of Silicon Valley, which has become an unaffordable place due to prosperity, ensures that municipalities, in collaboration with companies in the Brainport region, want to do everything they can to include the underclass in prosperity.


To ensure this, the ‘Brainport for Each Other’ fund has been set up. In a year of ‘building and testing’, the parties involved decided to convert the fund into an association. “A broad, regional, democratic alliance with the objective of a region where everyone can participate, has opportunities and benefits from growth. The group now consists of about sixty participants and is growing,” Dijsselbloem said in his speech on Tuesday.

According to the mayor, some good results have already been achieved in the past year. For example, he mentions the ‘financial fitness’ program, in which 24 companies in the region have rolled out a ‘customised approach’ to help employees with financial concerns. “The companies have made the subject part of their policy. They have seen a significant decrease in the number of wage garnishments. That is a win-win situation for the company and the employees.”

According to Dijsselbloem, another success story is the partnership between chip machine manufacturer ASML and shelter organisation Springplank040. “I understood that help from ASML one day a week saves around 6,500 euros per month on ICT contracts at Springplank040. Thanks to these savings, they can assist four additional homeless people every month.”

BuddyWorks doubled

BuddyWork also received compliments from the mayor. “Next year we will scale up from 170 to 300 buddies throughout the region. In this way, we connect more job-seeking people over 50 in the region with buddies from the business community. They open up their network and help in the search for a new job.”

Steps were also taken to tackle low literacy and digital skills. “We have started a program aimed at low literacy and digital skills at 10 companies with 45 employees. We use the contacts with companies to track down their employees who have low literacy and offer them a tailor-made offer in the workplace,” says Dijsselbloem. .

Separate initiatives

The parties affiliated with the association want to ensure that prosperity benefits all residents of the region. “Our success depends on the success of the entire community. And it helps enormously that we become one association, and not a collaboration of separate initiatives,” Dijsselbloem concludes.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

Volunteer award for 15 years promoting children’s participation

Margreet Steeghs-Hoffman was appointed ‘Vrijwilliger van het Jaar’ (‘volunteer of the year’) of the Municipality of Nuenen on Monday evening. She has been working as an advisor at Stichting Leergeld* (tuition fee foundation) for fifteen years. Because Steeghs was on holiday, the award was received by chairman Peter Hendrickx.

The presentation took place during the traditional New Year’s meeting of the municipality of Nuenen in ‘Het Klooster’ meeting centre. This volunteer of the year provides personal advice to families on behalf of Stichting Leergeld (tuition fee foundation) Nuenen and encourages parents to let their children participate in activities such as sports and culture.

Steegh also encourages them to make use of other options, such as obtaining school supplies, laptops, bicycles and swimming lessons. In addition to her advisory work, she trains new advisors. According to councillor Niels Wouters, who presented the award, Steegh serves as an example for other advisors and helps in the development of children in various ways. Chairman Hendrickx received, in Steegh’s absence, a statue and a check worth €1,000.

Youth ribbon award

The 2023 youth ribbon  (‘Jeugdlintje’) went to Julia Versteijnen (15). From the age of 12, she has been doing volunteer work every Saturday – together with her mother – at the Allstarz foundation. This is an organisation that organises activities for children and young people living at home with an intellectual and/or multiple complex disability. Julia has also been attending all camps and holiday weeks for years. She received a check of €150.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

*Ed. – Stichting Leergeld is a volunteer organisation that aims to have children from poor families participate in after school activities in the fields of education, sports, culture and well-being. Also, where necessary, parents can be referred directly to help and support towards a structural approach to problems, such as debt relief and social work.

Initiatives in Best and Mierlo in race for ‘Kern met Pit’ Trophy

The Bata Buurt Camp in Best and the metamorphosis of the Heidepark in Mierlo are two of the initiatives that are in the race for the Brabant and national Kern met Pit (i.e: ‘core with spirit’) Trophy 2023. An independent jury assesses the residents’ projects.

‘Kern met Pit’ challenges people to realise their dream for the neighbourhood within a year. It can involve all kinds of ideas: from setting up a neighbourhood vegetable garden to organising a village play. As long as it improves or gives an impetus to your immediate environment. The winners not only receive a trophy, but also receive a thousand euros.

The BBCamp is an initiative of the Batadorp neighbourhood association in Best. The goal is an accessible camping experience for children and adults from the neighbourhood for the first time. Extra attention is paid to getting to know each other and the environmentally friendly nature of camping.

The metamorphosis in Mierlo involves renovating the Heidepark, where the residents hold an annual neighbourhood party. With better planting, through joint maintenance and possibly an inviting bench, the initiators want to be able to use the square more often per year to promote contacts in the neighbourhood and increase the atmosphere.

To vote

The organisation of the ‘Kern met Pit’ competition is in the hands of Katalys (the former Royal Dutch Heath Company, ed.), in collaboration with ARCADIS Netherlands. The initiatives can be viewed at www.kernmetpit.nl. You can vote until January 15, 2024. The public votes count for fifty percent in the assessment of the provincial trophy winners.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

Veldhoven neighbours win €1.000.000 together

Celebration in Copernicushof in Veldhoven. Residents of that street have together won €1.000,000 in the Postcode Loterij (postal code lottery). “Now we can go on a wonderful holiday to Mallorca with the children. And buy a new car!”, winners Gidi and Carolien say.

The money is divided among the five participants on the street. They receive amounts between €100,000 and €300,000, depending on the number of lottery tickets they play. In the case of Tiny and Mary, this means that they can credit €200,000 to their bank account. “We are moving soon. A lot still needs to be done in the new house. With this fantastic amount we will purchase a new bathroom, carpeting and a new cupboard”.

Neighbours Suzanne and Niels also already know what they are going to do with their money. “We have been renovating for 2.5 years. Fortunately, we are almost done. There are still a few small things that need to be done, such as renovating the stairs and new window coverings. We can achieve that nicely with this amount. It really is the icing on the cake!”

Not the first time

It is the second time in a few months that a Postcode Loterij win lands in Veldhoven. In October, residents of De Huysacker could share €1.000,000.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

Less insecure since Miss Teen contest

Miss Teen of Noord Brabant might be from Eindhoven. 17-year-old Lizzy van der Hoeff is one of the contenders for the prestigious title. And that is something that was unthinkable for her a while ago. “I was very concerned with what others thought of me and what they said about me”.

At first glance, participating in a beauty contest seems like a strange choice. The stereotypical image is that it is all about appearance, but nothing could be further from the truth according to Lizzy and her proud stepmother. “I am very positively surprised to see what it means to participate in such an election. You also have to be socially active”, Audrey Fernand explains. “They also look at what you are like and we raise money for charity”, Lizzy adds.

Participating in Miss Teen of Noord-Brabant also requires the necessary training. “We are learning how to walk in heels, how to walk the rounds and we are going to practice the opening dance. So we still have a lot of work to do”. And what if that hard work pays off and Lizzy wins? “Then I really start screaming and crying. Then some emotions really come out”, she says with a laugh.

Whether the Eindhoven native will actually be crowned Miss Teen of Noord Brabant remains to be seen. Thirty more finalists are in the race. The winner will be announced on 3 February.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

More than 14,000 visitors at New Year’s EHVE

At the foot of the Light Tower, Eindhoven residents started the new year with a bang. It was the first time a central show full of lights, music and fireworks took place in the city. New Year’s EHVE, as the spectacle is called, was a great success according to the organisation. 

“We are very satisfied, it turned out very well,” says project leader Patrick van de Voort. We were biting our nails because in several other towns the fireworks shows were cancelled due to the weather. “Though, even if we ‘d had to do without fireworks, it would still have been a good show”, he says. In addition to fireworks, there was music by La Fuente, Fresku and Joël Borelli and a light show.

That choice did not come out of the blue, because the organisation wanted a unique show that suited the city. As a City of Light, natural light is involved. “We wanted to tell a story, one that suits the people of Eindhoven and not one that you could see in every city”.

The organisation, Eindhoven247, hopes that the success of the New Year’s show will become a tradition. In total, around 14,000 people attended the first edition. At its peak, at midnight, there were ten thousand people present at the event. The evening passed without incident. It was a quiet evening for both the first aid and security.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha

Neighbourhood surprise delivery man Aydin with party


New shoes, a dress or a book, Aydin Aytekin has been delivering packages in the Woenselse Heide for almost fifteen years. He and his bus have now become such an indispensable part of the Eindhoven neighbourhood that the local residents surprised him with a party. “I always know what to say but in this situation I didn’t know how to react.”

And that surprise was not without reason, because in the eyes of the neighbourhood he is more than a delivery man. “I remember him bringing my Christmas package, but no one was home. Then he walked to Lidl, where my wife works, to give it to my wife,” says a local resident. Resident Jessica Faassen confirms that Aydin always goes the extra mile. “If you’re not there, he will send a message or honk if he has a package for you.”

Because of that commitment, a surprise party was organised for him. “You often see negative remarks about delivery people online but they deserve be put in a positive light for once,” Jessica explains. When Aydin arrived at the party, he was speechless for a moment. “It was really a very special experience.” The delivery man was showered with gifts: a beer package, chocolate and vouchers. “It wasn’t even about the gifts for me, the thought behind it was just very special.”

Aydin was very happy with the surprise party and hopes to continue working in the area until his retirement. “This neighbourhood is very special. I have worked in many neighbourhoods in Eindhoven, but I think this is the best.”


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

Bench in honour of liberator Joe Cattini unveiled

A bench has been unveiled in honour of Joe Cattini at the cemetery at the Oude Toren in the Woensel district. The British veteran died this year at the age of 100 and was one of the last living liberators of Eindhoven in 1944.

The ceremony took place when 686 lights were lit at the war graves in Woensel. This is a worldwide tradition, which also takes place every year at the military cemetery in Mierlo. Honouring Cattini was an initiative of the September 18 Foundation. The regional veterans organisation was also present.

Honorary citizen

Cattini died in April this year. In January he was declared an honorary citizen of the city. After D-Day in 1944, he went to the Netherlands via Paris and Antwerp. With other Allied soldiers he liberated Eindhoven and villages in the region. This happened during Operation Market Garden, the Allied offensive against the Nazis. He also fought during the so-called Ardennes offensive.


Cattini was praised not only for his struggles on the battlefield, but also for his efforts after the war. For the Briton, World War II did not stop after the collapse of the Third Reich in May 1945. Thus, he was a regular visitor to Eindhoven. Cattini then attended the traditional torchlight procession and visited schools, to pass on the story of the war to new generations.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

Hundreds of children pay traditional visit to music store

John Hanraths, owner of Keyboardcentrum on Heezerweg in Eindhoven had a stressful moment on Friday. Hundreds of pupils from primary school De Wilakkers were waiting outside his store much earlier than he had expected. Despite the owner’s stress, the traditional Christmas event was a success. “It was great fun”. 

For years, classes from De Wilakkers primary school have been stopping at the store on their way back from the Christmas celebration in Sint-Joriskerk in Stratum. About five years ago, an employee was playing a Christmas carol in the window at that very moment. The children spontaneously started singing along and a tradition was born.

The event has now grown into a large musical gathering. Hundreds of pupils, but also parents, teachers and local residents sing and dance along. This year it happened again. This time the event was extra grand because of the thirty-year anniversary of the Keyboardcentrum (keyboard centre). “Normally the students walk in groups, but this year I had them all come at the same time. I even kept several parking spaces free for this”, John Hanraths says.

Two Christmas elves had also ‘flown in’ to hand out cakes and entertain the children, while the store employees played Christmas carols. “We play traditional Christmas carols, sometimes with a modern beat. The students really enjoy that, sometimes to the annoyance of the teachers”, the owner says.


It was still uncertain whether the event would go ahead. The pastor finished the mass earlier than expected. “We were notified of their early arrival with only five minutes to spare”, Hanraths says. Fortunately for the pupils, the staff were able to act quickly and the Christmas event could continue as usual. “It was a bit stressful, but it was a lot of fun”.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob


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