14.2 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Police station Mathildelaan Eindhoven in rainbow colours

Police station in rainbow colours

The nondescript police station on Mathildelaan in Eindhoven was an eye-catcher for a moment on Tuesday night. The building was lit up in rainbow...
Indonesian students visit Stedelijk College

Indonesian students visit Stedelijk College Eindhoven

The Stedelijk College on the Henegouwenlaan in Eindhoven witnessed a real dance, a culture quiz, and many new faces. As part of internationalization, students...

Living room offers vulnerable refugees a warm home: ‘We’re in the same boat’

A place to catch your breath, for lessons or day care and good conversation. The De Huiskamer voor Vluchtelingen (living room for refugees) on...

Trees get a second life as school buildings

In Best there will be a primary school made of poplars from the village. Next week, 107 trees will be cut down. It does justice...
TU/e, biofuel, EU, grant

Child prodigy leaves TU/e, will now study in the US

Laurent Simons has recently made headlines across the world. This nine-year-old Belgian boy's hopes of obtaining his Bachelor's degree from the Eindhoven University of...
childcare, summer, holiday, child

Who’s still entitled to childcare? These are the vital professions

Special measures due to the coronavirus have been taken. For instance, the government has decided to close schools until 6 April. There are exceptions...
Neuron- the new AI place

‘Neuron’- the new AI place at TU/e

Neuron is going to be the new name of the Laplace building at the Eindhoven University of Technology. The university is converting the building...
Dutch Design Week new creative boss

Miriam van der Lubbe at helm of Dutch Design Week

Miriam van der Lubbe is the new creative boss during the upcoming Dutch Design Week. The designer will be responsible for the content of...
TU/e campus speed limit reduce to 30

Reinoud Lavrijsen from TU/e voted best Lecturer in the country

The Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg has named Reinoud Lavrijsen as Lecturer of the Year 2022. The associate professor at the Faculty of Applied Physics of...
Dead deer, animal safety, Helmond, plastic waste

Casualty at animal park: deer dies after swallowing meters of plastic

A heart-wrenching situation for the rangers of the Hortensia Park in Helmond. On Monday they found a dying deer near the fence. Unfortunately, someone...

TU/e campus canteens too dear

Students at Eindhoven University of Technology are dissatisfied with the prices at the TU/e canteens. Previously, more than a thousand students signed a petition...