13.9 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
30 km/hr sign

Maximum speed to be reduced

Eindhoven will have ten additional 30 kilometre zones. Some streets affected are: Mecklenburgstraat, Tongelresestraat, Edenstraat and PC Hooftlaan, among others. There will also be...

Elderly keep moving with the help of young athletes

During a special boot camp, the residents of the Berckelhof nursing home in the Tongelre district are paired with young athletes. The couples do...

Stages for King’s Day scaffolded

Eindhoven is preparing for King's Day. In various places in the city centre people are working hard to get everything ready for the national...
TU/e wants to grow with The Hague budget

TU/e wants to grow; needs extra budget from The Hague

The Eindhoven TU wants to recruit many more students and continue to grow. But that requires a lot of money from The Hague, for...
Best and Oirschot investigate a merger between the municipalities

Best municipal council expects proposed merger to go ahead

The Best municipal council already announced some details on Monday about the possible merger with Oirschot. None of the parties appear to be against the...

New residential tower Meerhoven

A new residential tower is set to be built on water near the Meerrijk shopping centre in Meerhoven. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxQW6bO8_-s   The smallest apartments will measure 80 square...
buy-out protection

Eindhoven accelerates house purchase protection

The housing purchase protection that Eindhoven is introducing to protect the housing market against speculators and landlords will already apply from March. That is one...
Online Birth registration in Eindhoven

Illegal taxi drivers caught

Sixteen illegal taxi drivers were caught the past weekend during a check in Eindhoven and Den Bosch. They transported carnival celebrations for a fee,...
Rental scooter GO

No ban on rental scooters

There will be no ban on rental scooters in Eindhoven, despite efforts from GroenLinks and PvdA. The coalition parties have been advocating the ban, but have...
Growth spurt Eindhoven region

Eindhoven growth: ‘It’s really going to pinch everywhere’

The Eindhoven region is an economic engine. The city is growing fast. And this is being felt, in many areas. There is a shortage...

Summa students style Indian models for Tamil New Year celebration

Summa International Fashion collaborated with an Indian Tamil organisation, Stichting EYAL, for a fashion show for the Tamil New Year at Theatre De Schalm....

What changes in 2024?
