New foundation to stimulate development Brainport Industries Campus

A new foundation is intended to stimulate the development is the Brainport Industries Campus (BIC). De Campus Development Organisation is a cooperation between the province of Noord-Brabant, the Eindhoven municipality and SDK Real Estate. 

The organisation aims to promote votg economic and social development through the creation of job opportunities, the strengthening of cooperation between education and business, and the development of innovative learning environments  SDK Real Estate will be responsible for the development of BIC 2, whereas the COO will focus on improved programming of the cooperation between the parties involved.

Huub Smulders will begin on November 1st  as manager of the new foundation. “My experience as entrepreneur over the past 15:years has taught me that economic value cannot do without social value. On the BIC, therefore, it is our ambition to make a tangible difference on the intersection of entrepreneurship and social significance.”

Alderperson Stijn Steenbakkers (Brainport) thinks the new foundation will contribute to the further development of BIC as a vital high tech location for the region.

Image rights SDK real estate

Source: Studio040

Translation: Greta


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