Cyclists feel more unsafe due to crowds

Eeneind fast cycle path is opened; local residents protest
Photo credit: Fietsersbond/Studio040

The Eindhoven city council is taking measures to increase cyclists on the street and lessen drivers.  But there is a downside to this. On the cycle lanes, it’s getting busier. The Cyclists’ Union is worried and Studio040 also received dozens of reports from Eindhoven residents who feel more unsafe on their bikes. ‘It’s me, me and the rest…’

Kruisstraat, Strijps Bultje, and Stratumsedijk are just a few places where cyclists feel vulnerable. These areas are getting busier and busier. ‘You don’t know where to look. It’s electric bikes, mopeds, and young people taking up the whole cycle path,’ says Wilma.

Jan, who is on his way home after playing music, can also be found riding his bike more often than not. He is annoyed by the behaviour of some road users. The other day, for instance, he was almost knocked off. ‘A 16-year-old man on a moped approaches, he wants to turn right and I almost hit him. He doesn’t look up or back.’


Fatbikes, electric bikes, scooters and cars. Ordinary cyclists are being whizzed past left and right. According to Peter Plantinga of the Cyclists’ Union, not only do the bike lanes need revamping, but the speed must be reduced too. ‘It is really important to reduce the difference between motorised traffic and bicycle traffic in terms of speed. This means it will be safer for cyclists at intersections and places where there are no cycle lanes.’

According to cyclists, the blame also lies with road users themselves. ‘Well, I think education is really important. Especially for the young people who create dangerous situations on the cycle lanes,’ Ofra said. ‘So it’s not so much down to the bike lane, but to the people using it,’ Jan agrees with her.

Studio040 has asked the municipality for explanations about the congestion on the bike lanes, but these have not yet been answered.

Source Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Chaitali Sengupta.


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