ASML invests millions in book projects for region

Photo by LubosHouska

Libraries in the Eindhoven region will soon receive more than 50,000 children’s books in 82 languages.

A project made possible thanks to a 4.2 million euro subsidy from ASML. According to the Eindhoven Library, a collection of this size is unique in Europe.

Albert Kivits, director of the library in Eindhoven, is happy. But who will select the books? “We have hired people specifically for this. They will select the books together with the representatives of the home languages.”

Home language experts have currently been found and engaged in 43 languages. 2989 books have now been ordered. Forty-two bookcases were delivered to the locations.

After the May holidays, the library will start recruitment for the second part. There are now 72 participants registered. But there is still room for more.

Source: Studio040

Translate: Ayşenur Kuran 

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