TU/e critisises ‘grim protest’

The Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e) is displeased with the group of protesters who disrupted a lecture by Karel Martens earlier this week.  Martens is a professor at the Israeli University Technion. The board says that the students and staff attending the lecture found the atmosphere “intimidating and even menacing”. The lecture was discontinued and the professor was led to another room by security staff

On Friday the board issued a statement saying it disapproves of the protesters’ approach and that this form of protest is not in line with the university’s values. “In these tense times we call on everyone to stay calm and maintain a dialogue with respect for each other’s perspectives and experiences”. The board also urges everyone connected to the university to “actively seek understanding and connection” so that all feel safe to express their ideas and feelings.

More protest

Eindhovenstudents4palestine was one group who had called on a demonstration against Martens’ visit. “Technion is closely affiliated with the the Israeli military-industrial complex, developing technologies used to repress Palestinian citizens”,  the group writes on social media. Their instagram account shows images of the protest. On Tuesday the group wants to hold another protest as yet another Technion scientist will give a lecture.

Source: Studio040

Image source: Bridget Alcione Spoor, Cursor

Translated by Greta





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