Intro festival for the first time for all students

Introfestival for all students
Photo Credit: Studio040

Dances, beer and lots of coloured shirts. The Stadhuisplein in Eindhoven was transformed into a festival ground on Wednesday. At the introduction party, not only Hbo and university students were welcome, but for the first time also Mbo (Vocational education) students. That was ‘Super cool.’

When Studio040 was on site, the party had yet to start, but the atmosphere was already well underway. The dancing was on and students already knew their way to the bar. ‘I’ve only just arrived, but so far I like it,’ says a student with a swimming belt around his waist.

He is not the only one who came to take a dip in the revelry. Anita Verbeek, director of SintLucas, also came to take a look. This is the first time her Mbo students were allowed to take part in the intro festival. ‘It has been since years when student unions were reserved for universities. Then at hbo and hurrah there we are, now also at Mbo.’


According to Verbeek, her Mbo students are enthusiastic about the change, but there is still room for improvement. Some courses are better represented than others at the intro festival. ‘We need to promote it more internally. And then we expect it to be an even bigger success next year.’

Source Studio040

For Eindhoven news: Chaitali Sengupta

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