Staff shortage affecting maternity care

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Photo credit: Pixabay (Studio040)

Due to the staff shortage in healthcare, Eindhoven will have a maternity care hotel. As of Wednesday, new mothers and their offspring will be taken care of in the Holiday Inn on the Montgomerylaan. Mothers who refuse this admission and hope for home help run the risk of not receiving maternity care.

The maternity care hotel is a collaboration between major health insurers in the region (ZilverenKruis, CZ, Menzis and Coöperatie VGZ) and the maternity care organizations Kraamzus, Kraamzorg VDA and Zorgmed.

Born out of necessity

For now, the maternity care hotel is only anoption for the clients of those maternity care organisations. The maternity care hotel is not an obligation, but because of staff shortages, the organisations say they ‘cannot guarantee that maternity care will be possible at home’.

This guarantee does exist in the maternity care hotel. “Of course we always try to comply with the duty of care. Even if someone refuses to go to a hotel, the duty of care remains in force. But if we can’t deliver, we can’t deliver,” says a spokesperson for Coöperatie VGZ.

According to VGZ, difficulties will become manifest’ in more places in the Netherlands, but in Eindhoven the situation is dire. “Here there is a combination of the holiday period, the staff shortage and a large amount of requests for maternity care. It all comes together in these three months. We take this step to limit risks.”

Instructional videos instead of a maternity nurse

In the Holiday Inn, a maternity nurse can take care of several women 24 hours a day. Every mother gets her own room. Partners can stay overnight, but children cannot.

After the stay at the hotel maternity care is still possible at home, but according to the organisations this will probably be digital maternity care. This means that parents can log in to a website where they can watch instructional videos that help during the maternity period.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Shanthi Ramani


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