Around 2000 brand new students started the introduction week at Eindhoven University of Technology on Monday morning.
In the coming week they will get to know the university, the city and get to know their fellow students. The main thing is having fun. The first-year students are supervised by nearly 500 students who have been walking around at the TU/e for a while.
The introduction committee has implemented a number of changes this year. This makes the party much more sustainable this year. “All information to the students goes through a new app. So no more paper use. Plastic cups are also being reused with a new coin system. There is also an energy bike that students can use. While you are cycling on it, your telephone is being charged”, explains Henriëtte Eijking of the introduction committee.
In addition, more attention was paid to international students this year. Eijking: “In order to make them feel more at home immediately, we also have a variety of meals. That way, Chinese and Italian meals can also be ordered.”
Next week the Fontys students will start their introduction week. Eijking wants to collaborate more with the Fontys introduction committee next year. “It would be nice if we would spend more time together.”
The students attend the first lectures at the beginning of September.
Source: Studio040
Translator: Dirk