The new plans of the government, reveiled at ‘Prinsjesdag’ (opening day of Dutch parliament) yesterday, turn out to be good and bad for Eindhoven according to the councilor of Finance, Staf Depla.
According to Depla, Eindhoven will have a smaller budget due to cut backs from the government. Therefore the town will have to take some measures. Next Thursday Depla will explain the measures during a presentation of the town’s budget. Then it will be clear how many millions exactly need to be cut from the budget.
However, Depla also sees some advantages in the plans of the government. There will be several investments with advantages for Eindhoven. There will be a fund for SME’s. Small enterprises can get money from that fund if they cannot get money from the bank. There will be extra money for energy savings. And there will be a new institute for retirement funds and insurers to invest in. According to the councilor, the community can finance big projects with this institute.
The government also wants to talk with Germany about a fast train connection between Eindhoven and Düsseldorf.