17.6 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Safety Region on TU/e campus

Regional safety and crisis department remains on TU/e campus

The plans for a new location on the TU/e campus for Veiligheidsregio (safety region) Brabant-Zuidoost (south east Brabant, VRBZO) have not been approved.  So for...

RGS intends to close psychiatry training at GGzE

The Registration Committee for Medical Specialists (RGS) wants to close the psychiatry training at the GGzE. The committee has informed the healthcare institution about...
GGD Brabant South east prepares for new vaccination round

GGD Brabant South-East prepares for new vaccination round

GGD Brabant Zuidoost is preparing for an increase in corona infections in the fall and a new vaccination round. It is difficult to predict the...
Climate demonstration Eindhoven Dijsselbloem

Eindhoven climate protesters in action just before installation of Dijsselbloem

'Mayor Dijsselbloem, declare a climate emergency!' That was the message of dozens of climate activists Tuesday night on Eindhoven's Stadhuisplein. They made that call...
John Jorritsma leaving

Departing Mayor Jorritsma receives honorary medal from city of Eindhoven

John Jorritsma was surprised with the city's badge of honor Monday evening, during his farewell as Mayor of Eindhoven. He was also royally decorated...
weekly covid update

RIVM weekly update of COVID situation – week 37

In the Infection Radar survey last week, the percentage of participants with COVID-19 like complaints slightly increased, 2.4%, as compared to the week before,...

New round of vaccination against corona: GGDs ready for crowds

From Monday 19 September, citizens aged 60 and above can go to the GGD by appointment to get their jab. A tour of Omroep...

This is what regional employers are (not) doing for workforce in face of inflation

Inflation is causing prices to skyrocket. Groceries and energy are rapidly becoming unaffordable - for people with low and sometimes modal incomes. Employers in...
Rescuing fish

Municipality: rescuing fish yourself well-meant, but not wise

Rescuing fish from dried-up puddles: it is well-intentioned, but neither sensible nor permitted. This is what the Municipality of Eindhoven says in response to...
weekly covid update

RIVM weekly Covid-19 update: week 35

In the Infection Radar survey last week, the percentage of participants with COVID-19 like complaints slightly increased, 1.9%, as compared to the week before,...

What changes in 2024?

Happy New Year to all our readers. Thank you for your support. The New Year comes with changes in rules and regulations in many...