13.2 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Monday, May 6, 2024
Son en Breugel is investigating another location for CMD

Son en Breugel investigating location for social participation

The Municipality of Son en Breugel will investigate whether the Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Deelname (centre for social participation, CMD) can move to another location....

Veterans arrive in Eindhoven to mark 75 year liberation anniversary

Next Thursday, 18th September, marks 75 years since Eindhoven was liberated from German occupiers. The last living liberators will arrive in Eindhoven this weekend...
Eindhoven Techies measure 1.5 metre distance

Young Eindhoven techies test with homemade corona rangefinder

60 children from different districts of Eindhoven will test the 1.5 meters distance with a homemade corona rangefinder. They'll try this on Tuesday 7 July, near...
Summer schools popular

Summer school starts for expat children

Summer school is becoming extremely popular, especially after the corona crisis. Primary school De Springplank, with as many as 52 expat children, has started...

Living room offers vulnerable refugees a warm home: ‘We’re in the same boat’

A place to catch your breath, for lessons or day care and good conversation. The De Huiskamer voor Vluchtelingen (living room for refugees) on...
TU/e, biofuel, EU, grant

Child prodigy leaves TU/e, will now study in the US

Laurent Simons has recently made headlines across the world. This nine-year-old Belgian boy's hopes of obtaining his Bachelor's degree from the Eindhoven University of...
First Kazerne award

Kazerne Award for project “Tea Drop”

Project "Tea Drop" has received the first Kazerne award. Project 'Tea drop' exposes the hidden use of in the Western world. The African-born Shakira Passat...
Language issue at Eindhoven University of Technologyn

TU/e to build new accommodation blocks on campus

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has announced plans to build two new accommodation blocks on its campus. The two blocks will accommodate around 700 students....

The gap between rich and poor in the region is growing

Eindhoven citizens are relatively dissatisfied with their lives, a Rabobank survey concludes. The researchers point out that this is associated with the economic success of...

TU/e-prof develops hydrogen reactor for industry

TU/e-professor Fausto Gallucci has developed a reactor with which hydrogen can be produced on a small scale. With a chemical reaction, methane and water are...

TU/e campus canteens too dear

Students at Eindhoven University of Technology are dissatisfied with the prices at the TU/e canteens. Previously, more than a thousand students signed a petition...