17.4 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Eindhoven terror suspects

The nine terror suspects did not plan an attack, experts think

The nine Eindhoven terror suspects shared extremist films with each other and also watched them, but according to an expert they had no intention...
400 asylum seekers in Eindhoven

Eindhoven will receive 400 asylum seekers for a long period of time

Eindhoven will have one or more locations for the long-term reception of 400 asylum seekers and status holders. The Mayor and Aldermen write this...
Patrick van Aarle wins Het Groot Dictee

Patrick won Het Groot Dictee: ‘I’ve always had a love for language’

It is not entirely a surprise that Patrick van Aarle (47) from Eindhoven won 'Het Groot Dictee' (the big dictation) this weekend. All his...

Recurring chaos at Eindhoven Airport

It seems like a recurring nightmare for travellers flying out of Eindhoven Airport. Passengers once again experienced confusion, leaving them stranded in the departure...
TU/e Eindhoven

‘International students are vital’

The intake of international students at the Eindhoven University (TU/e) ​​is absolutely necessary to provide the companies in the Brainport region with sufficient employees....
Rains expected on Sunday and Monday

Rains predicted for Sunday and Monday

For those looking forward to next weekend, Rico Schroeder of Weerplaza has mixed news. The weekend will start well, but there will be a...
400 temporary homes coming up in meerhoven

400 temporary homes coming up in Meerhoven

In the new housing district of Eindhoven, Meerhoven, 400 temporary homes will come up by the end of next year.  The housing corporation Woonbedrijf...
Shop owners close shop doors to save energy

Come in, we’re open!

In downtown Eindhoven, business owners are increasingly keeping their store doors closed. They do this not because they are closed, but to save energy....

Trudo will build 54 social home units

Trudo will build 54 social housing units at the Nieuw Bergen. This is a new construction project of SDK Vastgoed. They will build 237...

Phone ban in schools? ‘Simple rule with many benefits’

According to the CDA, telephones should be banned in primary and secondary schools. Schools now make their own rules for the use of telephones by...

Summa students style Indian models for Tamil New Year celebration

Summa International Fashion collaborated with an Indian Tamil organisation, Stichting EYAL, for a fashion show for the Tamil New Year at Theatre De Schalm....

What changes in 2024?
