17.9 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Monday, May 20, 2024

Historical Highlights at Aachen

Aachen has it all; from the oldest cathedral in Germany to a Roman treasure and even custom made gingerbread biscuits.... Aachen was the royal residence...

Ten years of Eindhoven News: getting expats out of their bubble

Meet Irene Martens, the global citizen. When it comes to the expat experience, you can safely call her an expert. After living abroad for...

Bilingual siblings

Parents raising bilingual children witness dissimilarities in the language development of their children. What causes such differences? What does research indicate? Curious? Read on... Most...

Come have a meal and help kids

A war has been raging in Syria for more than seven years now. Peace in the Middle East is still far away, but there...

Breakdance World Cup in Eindhoven

The Breakdance World Cup for duos is coming to Eindhoven. World Breaking Classic is bringing the best dancers to the Muziekgebouw for the final. A...

What makes a city beautiful?

It is in the middle of the night. Looking for another bar to hop in. We don’t think that we are drunk enough to...
Inburgeringsexam: tackling Writing paper

Inburgeringsexam: Tackling the Writing paper (Schrijven)

By now, if you’re following my series on the Civic integration exams (Inburgeringsexam), you already know that to be qualified for Dutch citizenship or...
Stoit Groep - 5 steps

In five steps to a carefree rental of your property

There may be several reasons for renting out your own property. Maybe you are going away for a long period, maybe your home is...

Robot football players in the gym at Floralaan

That's something else in your gym: a robot football player. In the coming weeks, the Floralaan spilcenter (play, integrate, learn center) will focus on all...

Questionnaire on daycare in the Netherlands

Loes is doing the training International Lifestyle Studies at Fontys. For this, she is doing a thesis on daycare for international children in the...

Underground bus station for Eindhoven

One of the largest construction projects that will take place in Eindhoven in the coming years is the underground construction of the Neckerspoel bus...