Underground bus station for Eindhoven

-busstation-visual-endhoven municipality

One of the largest construction projects that will take place in Eindhoven in the coming years is the underground construction of the Neckerspoel bus station. For inspiration, Eindhoven looks to similar projects in Stockholm and Helsinki

The Netherlands lacks experience in constructing underground bus stations.  Delft has a nearly underground station, and the stations in Utrecht and Arnhem are also partly below street level. But the project in Eindhoven is much more complicated than in these cities. That is why we are now looking at Stockholm and Helsinki.

There are projects in the Northern European capitals that are similar in complexity to the Eindhoven task. In Stockholm, an underground bus station called Katarinaberget is under construction, while in Helsinki, the Kamppi Center project was completed in 2005. Thus, giving reason for a delegation from the Knoop XL core group, including deputy Stijn Smeulders, to travel to these cities in August.

Huge operation

“It is a gigantic operation in which the northern station building, bicycle sheds, and station surroundings also need to be seriously tackled,” says a spokesperson for the province of North Brabant about the project, which should cost around 775 million euros. “This takes a lot of money, time and manpower, so we must make the best choices in Eindhoven.”

“There is a lot of experience with a similar operation in Helsinki and Stockholm. That is why it is useful to keep an ear to the ground and pick up the best do’s & don’ts. The contacts made in the two cities can be useful throughout the process,” cites the province.

For Eindhoven News: Beena Arunraj


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