Jagerschoef house owners inconvenienced

Pic credit: Studio040

The renovation of hundreds of homes in the Jagershoef district of Eindhoven has not gone well. Housing corporation Woonbedrijf is responsible for the restoration work.

At the beginning of this year, the renovation of the single-family homes was completed. The roof and the exterior walls were tackled, insulated glass and ventilation were installed, and solar panels were installed for those who wanted them. Residents could also opt for a new kitchen and bathroom.


However, the work was not carried out properly. This became apparent earlier this year, when residents complained to Studio040 about water damage, rotten skirting boards and mould. Woonbedrijf then set up an independent investigation. The conclusion is now that part of the work needs to be done again, the corporation reports.


Woonbedrijf now wants to draw up a plan of approach for the restoration work with the residents’ committee and the Woonbond. This plan describes what is still not right in the homes and what needs to be done. It is not yet clear when the restoration work can begin.



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