Hundreds Find Employment Through Buddy Project

Pic courtesy: Ergon

To date, the buddy project has assisted 300 individuals aged 50 and above in securing employment in the Eindhoven region. Launched over four years ago, the initiative aims to simplify the job search for those in this age group.

Job seekers aged fifty and over are paired with employers, the so-called ‘buddies’. The program involves employers guiding motivated job seekers in their search for work. An important part is, for example, to expand the existing network. The buddy project is intended for employers. They still pay too little attention to job seekers aged 50 and over while there is a shortage in the labour market.


About half of the 300 seniors who found a job found a job within six months. They are working in various fields, such as education, healthcare, local politics and the business world.

The buddy project is supported by Ergon, Philips and the municipality of Eindhoven, among others. The organisation behind the initiative indicates that participants have developed more self-confidence.

In South-East Brabant, there are currently 2,340 job seekers with unemployment benefits. It is not clear how many people aged 50 and over fall under that group.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha

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