The gut feeling of the inhabitants of the ‘t Ven district in Eindhoven turns out to be correct. Not only does the air coming from the asphalt factory stink, but it emits too much carcinogenic benzene. Measurements have shown the air to contain twice the legally permissible limit.
“We don’t see the birds beyond a few hundred metres. Polluted air is constantly blown into the neighbourhood, and I haven’t even mentioned the noise disturbance yet,” says a spokesperson for the residents of the ‘t Ven district.
Earlier this year, the residents had set up a plan to ensure that the industry eventually leaves. In addition to the Asfalt Centrale Eindhoven (ACE), the district is also experiencing nuisance from a demolition company, feed producer, and waste processor, Mirec. The latter has caused several fires in recent years. “People literally had to flee their homes. If Mirec was in a different place, this would never have happened.”
The municipality has already issued an enforcement procedure. “We understand the concerns of residents. We will keep a close eye on the companies to ensure good health for the residents”, says a member of the council. Residents will meet once again this week, together with a council member.
Source: OmroepBrabant
Translation: Seetha