Eindhoven torchlight: More eco-friendly this year

Torchlight procession in Eindhoven
Picture credit: Regis_Knoope

The annual torchlight procession will take place again in Eindhoven on December 24. Thousands of people can again participate in the tour through the city with their torch. New this year is that people can not only choose a torch, but can also opt for a lantern. A special flag campaign has been devised for children who find it dangerous to walk with fire.

Every year on Christmas Eve, thousands of people take part in the torchlight procession in Eindhoven. From Wilhelminaplein people start their journey through the city to celebrate freedom, peace and tolerance. During the route, music sounds through the city and at the end there is a performance by pop choir Cascade on Wilhelminaplein.

Oil lamps
The organisation has also paid extra attention to the environment this year. In addition to the torches, oil lamps are also for sale. The oil lamps are intended for use not only this year, but also at subsequent editions of the torchlight procession. “We had been looking for a sustainable alternative. All those four thousand torches also cause a measure of pollution. We were alerted to this by people who were walking along. We didn’t want anything with plastic or batteries, so we ended up with oil lamps,” explains organiser Hans Vermeulen. out.

Interested parties can buy the oil lamp for 10 euros and it is expected that all 50 oil lamps will be sold out. “It’s a trial, so we didn’t buy too many. We fill the lamp with biodegradable oil and then you can use it for five torchlight processions if all goes well. Initially, the oil lamp was intended for children. The fire is in the lamp and so it is less dangerous than a torch.”

Vermeulen thinks that the test will be successful and that we will see more oil lamps during the torch procession in future editions. “We have already had a number of messages from people who want to buy several lamps and it is not even December 24 yet.”

On the ground

The organisation asks residents who live along the route of the torchlight procession not to leave their wheelie bins on the road on Sunday. Torches are often thrown in there and, according to the organisation, it is better to throw them on the ground. The torches are cleared away by the sweeper truck immediately after the tour. The event starts on Sunday, December 24 at 6:00 PM with the distribution of the torches. The torchlight procession starts around 7:15 PM.

Source : StudioO40

Translate : Aysenur Kuran

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