Increased risk of flooding in the tunnels of Eindhoven

Image source: wikimedia

Cars that can barely drive through tunnels because they are flooded. It is a familiar sight in Eindhoven after a heavy downpour, like last week when it hit again. According to the municipality, such situations cannot be prevented. Certainly not now that it rains hard more often.

Last week the city struggled with flooding. After a cloudburst, several streets and tunnels flooded. According to the municipality, however, action is being taken to prevent tunnels from flooding. For example, large containers have been created under the ground where the water collects. These containers are then pumped out. Still, this is not always enough.

“If it rains hard enough, the containers are too small and the tunnels will flood. As it rains hard more often, the problem will become more frequent. And adjustments to the tunnels are very costly,” a spokesperson informs. In addition to the tunnels, the municipality also mentions the intersection of the Emmasingel with the Willemstraat as a recurring bottleneck during severe weather.


According to the municipality, a lot is currently being done in Eindhoven to be prepared for the changing climate, with heavy rainfall. Excess water is being collected with the construction of wadis, but making better use of ponds, for example, also helps. The Aanschotse Beemden nature reserve has also been set up to collect a lot of water.


Space is also being sought for underground water storage. Such storage areas have been constructed near the Vestdijk and at the Clausplein, among others. Furthermore, adjustments in the sewer system help to better withstand downpours.

In addition to storing water, planting trees and plants should also help. When redesigning streets, the city aims for at least ten percent less stone or asphalt. Yet that is also where the biggest challenge lies, the municipality argues. After all, two-thirds of Eindhoven is owned by private individuals. The municipality cannot force entrepreneurs and residents to green their property. However, construction companies are now obliged to take into account the storage of water and the creation of greenery in their developments.


Translated by: Anitha Sevugan

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