Cycling lessons for expats and international students

To help newcomers get on the road safely and confidently, Brainport Bereikbaar is launching the Brainport Bike School. There, expats and international students learn to cycle like locals in just a few lessons.

The Brainport Bike School aims to equip participants with the skills and confidence needed to navigate Dutch traffic safely. A pilot phase to test the course will commence on September 19.

The course is divided into thoughtfully designed modules. In the first module, participants learn cycling basics in a calm environment. The second module involves practising in the city to build confidence on busy Dutch cycle paths. Before starting, participants receive a brief theory lesson covering essential traffic rules and safety measures.


The Brainport Bike School is a collaborative effort between Brainport Bereikbaar, ASML, Fontys, and TU/e. Their goal is to provide expats and international students with a safe and enjoyable cycling experience, enhancing their integration and mobility in the region.

Expats and international students can easily register for the course through their employer or educational institution. Additionally, companies in the Brainport region are encouraged to register and facilitate the lessons for their employees.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha

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