Brainport wants to bring top facilities to the region

South-east Brabant is a top region, with top companies and great growth ambitions. But the level of facilities, places where residents can enjoy themselves, pales in comparison. Precisely for that reason, the board of the Eindhoven Metropolitan Region (MRE), in which 21 regional municipalities collaborate, has had a list drawn up of ‘search directions’ for promising initiatives. This is what the ED writes.

Eindhoven alderperson Stijn Steenbakkers acknowledges that the region, together with a number of ministries in The Hague, is looking at the level of facilities in South-East Brabant. According to the newspaper, the Brainport region wants at least one top facility. This could be a large indoor sports complex, a Rijksmuseum, a large pop venue or a conference centre.

One of the options is a new indoor sports complex to be built. This should be able to accommodate European and world championships but can also easily be converted into a large hall for pop concerts. A location for five thousand spectators would be a good fit, according to the experts consulted. This is about four times the large hall of the Effenaar or the Muziekgebouw.


The wish list also includes a Rijksmuseum. South-east Brabant does have museums, but a major crowd puller with a national appeal is missing. Existing regional museums could also be involved in a national museum, with the strong museum offering in Helmond as an added bonus. The ambition to create a ‘living room’ for the region is also striking. This ‘living room’ is intended as a meeting place where expats and locals can meet, which is important for integration.

It is not just about a top facility in the field of sports and culture, but also about schools and general practitioners. How many are needed (extra), now that the number of inhabitants is going to grow so rapidly in the coming years. An educational location for the very best technology students and strengthening of the Van Gogh National Park (nature) complete the search list.


It is not the first time that raising the level of facilities is on the agenda. In recent years, attempts have been made to get a conference centre off the ground. But in many cases, these attempts have been hampered by financing, operating possibilities or construction costs. Now that the region is set to grow rapidly in the coming years, following in the footsteps of ASML, the regional board sees new opportunities to raise money in The Hague or in Europe.

Translated by Yawar Abbas

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