Robert Strijk to be nominated as Alderman

Robert Strijk -D66
Robert Strijk -D66

Robert Strijk will likely become the new Eindhoven alderman for mobility, design, city centre and vocational education. D66 is putting him forward as the successor to Monique Esselbrugge, who announced her departure in June.

Strijk already has quite a bit of administrative experience. For example, he was an alderman in Leiden for eight years and a deputy in the province of Utrecht for four years. In between, he was acting mayor in Zwijndrecht for a few months.

“It’s an honour to start working as an alderman in such a dynamic city. I realise I am stepping onto a moving train with an established board. I look forward to settling in quickly and getting to know the people and the city,” says Strijk, who is actively looking for housing in Eindhoven.


Behind the scenes, D66 has been looking for a successor for Esselbrugge in recent months, who will be working for a network organisation in agrifood. Eindhoven D66 faction leader Jorien Migchielsen is enthusiastic about Strijk’s arrival. “I am happy that we have found a passionate and very experienced candidate in Robert, who is also available immediately. In the conversations, we know Robert as an energetic, sympathetic and open man with a lot of administrative experience.”

Appointment procedure

The plan is for the Eindhoven city council to decide on the appointment of Strijk as an alderman on 10 September. The mayor will have a ‘risk analysis integrity’ carried out before the appointment. Advice will then be issued to the city council. Political parties can also question the candidate alderman on the content during a public meeting.

For Eindhoven News: Beena Arunraj


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