Neighbourhood camp site should bring residents together

Pic credit :Studio040

Listening to music, doing crafts and lighting a fire. Not at a campsite in the south of France, but in Strijp at De Buurtcamping. A camping spot with the aim of letting neighbours meet and get to know each other. “It’s different from having to knock on someone’s door.”

For the occasion, the Jacob Oppenheimerpark was transformed into a real campsite. With the necessary tents, a swimming pool and a place to eat together. It should allow neighbourhood residents from all walks of life to come out of their bubble. “Here you just walk around, eat together and have a chat,” says campground manager Anita van de Pas.

It is only the second time that The Neighbourhood Campsite has been organised in Eindhoven, but it is already bearing fruit. “A nice example, someone found a babysitter for his family here last year. Those are long-term connections”

Camping is not for all

Those connections are made during various activities, such as swimming, dancing and crafts. It doesn’t have to be very difficult. “You go up to someone and ask if they want to play,” young Liv explains.

It’s not all fun, because camping is not exactly for wimps. Two girls experienced that firsthand. “I slept badly. My tent let the rain in. Borh my feet were wet.”


Translated by : Anitha Sevugan

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