City politicians ‘proud’ of ASML expansion, but liveability is a concern

ASML in Veldhoven
Photo credit: ASML/Studio040

The majority of Eindhoven’s political parties are positive about ASML’s expansion. They do ask for a substantial contribution from the chip machine manufacturer to keep the city livable.

Agreements about ASML’s social contribution in exchange for the expansion are not in black and white. This is a point of concern for several political parties. So it turned out Tuesday night in the town hall. “The order is wrong,” said SP council member Jannie Visscher. “We have to say ‘yes’ first and only then do we look at the consequences. While no hard agreements have been made with ASML,” she continued.

The chip machine manufacturer wants to grow substantially in the region and has its eye on BIC North as a location for that. The site is part of the Brainport Industries Campus. There is room here for 20,000 new jobs. Two top executives of ASML earlier came to the city hall for a charm offensive.


CDA party chairman Remco van Dooren believes that a fundamental contribution should not only be expected from ASML but also from other companies that benefit from growth. In addition, he believes that the municipality of Eindhoven must also “deliver. “There should be a lot more affordable housing, the infrastructure should be in order and there should be more sports facilities. These are things for which we as a municipality are the first to deliver,” Van Dooren said.

“This is a historic decision,” said Tjeerd Ritmeester (PvdA). “A decision that has consequences for Eindhoven, for the Netherlands, but also for Europe. We cannot underestimate that.” Ritmeester thinks ASML’s social role is somewhat meager. “The plans as they stand are still insufficient.”


“This offers a lot of jobs and is good for the economy.I think we are taking a step forward as a city,” said Volkan Memiş (D66). Memiş asked Alderman Stijn Steenbakkers (CDA) to quickly provide insight into the state of facilities such as sports venues, schools and family doctors. The alderman promises to have a map of what is needed by the end of the year.


Still, pride is the general feeling that prevails at City Hall. “Let us record the enormous pride we all feel. That we are in the position to discuss this luxury issue -the expansion of ASML- at all,” said Steenbakkers.”It’s about confidence in each other that we are keeping agreements made. But it is also about self-confidence.We have to have the self-confidence as a city that we can handle this.”

Source: Stuido040

For Eindhoven News: Chaitali Sengupta


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