Action plan ready for MBO students

Action plan ready for MBO students
Photo Credit: Summa College

The municipality of Eindhoven wants to show with an action plan how important MBO education (secondary vocational education) is for the city and the region.

The plan aims to increase the visibility and importance of MBO education in the region.

This is done together with students, educational institutions, companies, and governments. The goal is for Eindhoven MBO students to feel like full-fledged students and for them to have a good position in the labor market. According to Alderman Monique Esselbrugge, it is high time that MBO is better appreciated. Not only among students who have to choose an advanced education but also among parents, companies and governments.


The MBO action plan is a joint initiative. The input comes partly from the MBO work conference organized at SintLucas in January this year. More than 120 participants, including students, educational institutions, business, and government spoke here about equal opportunities. There was also a survey of more than 750 students and a podcast created that highlighted the living world of the Mbo student.

Equal and promising

The action plan focuses on an equal position for MBO students. In education, in student life, in the labor market and in society, all students must be treated equally. Furthermore, cooperation between MBO, HBO and WO students during their education must be further stimulated, and the talent of MBO students must be made more visible. Work is being done to create a positive image of MBO among parents and students in primary and secondary education. There is also attention for good and appropriate internships for all MBO students. Furthermore, there must be an end to internship discrimination.

In addition, it must become clearer that an MBO education leads to a promising future. MBO graduates play a crucial role in regional challenges and in the labor market.

Student representatives
Since April 2024, the municipality of Eindhoven has employed two student representatives: one from Fontys (HBO) and one from Summa (MBO). Besides their studies, they work eight hours a week as liaison between the municipality, education and students. This ensures that students and municipality policy are better connected.

Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Chaitali Sengupta. She also gives online INBURGERING classes.


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