Hundreds present at DAE benefit night

Pic credit - Studio040/Rosa van den Nieuwenhof

On Friday evening, hundreds of people attended the benefit evening organised by Residency for the people, the evening served to draw attention to the possible departure of the Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE), as well as to raise money to pay for a residency.

Rosa van den Nieuwenhof

Talks between Design Academy Eindhoven and the municipality have been going on for over two years but seem to be coming to nothing. Designers fear a departure of the prestigious course from the city. Something the city council, on the other hand, does not seem very concerned about.

The evening was organised to raise funds. “It was very busy,” says organiser Lucas Maassen. “People offered stuff for auction to raise money, which was successful.”

“We will announce the amount raised when the money is handed over to the Design Academy,” says Maassen. “When we do that depends on the director’s availability as the director is often not in the Netherlands. However, we are satisfied with the amount raised.”

Importance of DAE

Among the visitors was Labour Party councillor Rosa van den Nieuwenhof. “By the turnout, you can see it is alive in the city. Among others, Kiki&Joost, Piet Hein Eek and Nacho Carbonell contributed items for the auction. But there were also other creative expressions to emphasise the importance of the Design Academy for Eindhoven.”


“It was also good to see that many international students were present. You often hear that they do not feel connected to the city, but with their presence, they showed that they do care,” said Van den Nieuwenhof


Translated by: Anitha Sevugan

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