What do Eindhovenaars search online?

Image credit: Royal Dutch

 An analysis of digital searches, by the Eindhoven marketing agency Online Klik, echoes the thoughts of Eindhovenaars. ‘Beer, going out and football’ are the most commonly used searches.

When you think of Eindhoven, you think of fun and a good glass of beer. But how much does a beer like that cost in Eindhoven? A question frequently asked to Google, by both local beer enthusiasts and visitors preparing for a night out in the City of Light. It seems that Eindhoven residents not only enjoy a good glass of beer but also want to know whether it costs a lot of money.

But the people of Eindhoven are also practical, they want to know how they can enjoy their beer while still thinking about their diet. ‘Losing weight and still drinking beer’ is a dilemma that many seem to struggle with. Football is also a subject that is close to the hearts of Eindhoven residents. A search query in Google, namely ‘Feyenoord funny’, suggests that even in the heart of PSV, the rivalry between these two clubs is alive and well.

Hidden pearls

During Carnival, Eindhoven transforms into a festive and colourful place. ‘What is Eindhoven called during carnival? turns out to be a question that curious people ask themselves to discover how ‘Lampegat’ comes to life during these crazy days. In addition, the annual light festival ‘Glow’ attracts the attention of the local population. ‘What time does Glow Eindhoven start?’ is a frequently asked question to Google.

And politics and Jeroen’ Dijselbloem are not forgotten either. ‘Who is the mayor of Eindhoven?’ seems to be an important question for those who like to stay informed about political developments in their city. Amid all these practical and factual questions, profound thoughts also occupy the minds of Eindhoven residents. ‘Where am I?’ is a question also searched that is both practical and philosophical…


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