Homework tutors under huge pressure during final exams

Homework supervisors have huge pressure
Photo Credit: Studio040

Not only students are stressed during final exam time. Homework supervisors also experience huge pressure. That is seen at De Wilde in the city centre. There, they supervise as many as 45 students a day during exams.

Talk about booming business. Eight years ago, Aart de Wilde founded his first institute for homework help in Waalre. They also needed tutoring in Eindhoven, which soon resulted in a second branch in the city centre. But demand continued to rise so De Wilde was recently able to open its third location in Tilburg.

During these busy times, the entrepreneur and former teacher help a total of dozens of students a day with their planning, learning work, and assignments. He employs as many as eight tutors in Eindhoven alone on this peak day. “We notice an increasing demand for tutoring,” says de Wilde, who thinks the teacher shortage is the main reason for the growing demand for tutoring. “You could say that education is failing. We see that more and more teachers are too busy.”


Tutor Milou, who has a student job at the homework institute, sees that students need more personal attention. It is important to have a click with them. “Not all teachers suit your needs and it’s just really nice to have a second person here to explain it to you,” she says.

Source: Studio040

Translation: Chaitali Sengupta

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